Publications of Dynamics of ethnic and racial self-identification in contemporary Peru
Dynamics of ethnic and racial self-identification in contemporary Peru
This study has sought to analyse how the social and cultural dynamics of the population are expressed in the recent processes of ethnic self-identification in Peru. Data from 2012 to 2016 Peru National Household survey was used to investigate specifically: (a) on the contribution of the questions about ethnic and racial self-identification included in the […]
Health Impacts of a Public–Private Partnership Rural Roads Maintenance Programme
The authors provide evidence of health impacts of a public-private rural roads maintenance programme in Peru, which is characterized by a contracting mechanism that employs small local firms. Using a difference‐in‐differences approach, they find that improved roads connectivity leads to positive health externalities.
Pathways to Formalization: Going Beyond the Formality Dichotomy
Too often, academics and policy makers interpret formality as a binary choice and formalization as an irreversible process. Yet, formalization has many facets and shades on the business and labor fronts, and firms may not be able or willing to formalize all at once. This paper explores the joint process of business and labor formalization, […]
Pathways to formalization: going beyond the formality dichotomy
Too often, academics and policy makers interpret formality as a binary choice and formalization as an irreversible process. Yet, formalization has many facets and shades on the business and labor fronts, and firms may not be able or willing to formalize all at once. This paper explores the joint process of business and labor formalization, […]
De La Parada al Mercado Mayorista de Santa Anita: efectos sobre los márgenes, competitividad y eficiencia de la cadena de producción y comercialización de la papa
Con el objetivo de enfrentar los problemas de inseguridad, insalubridad y tugurización del mercado mayorista de Lima La Parada, la administración de la Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima reubicó a los comerciantes en el Gran Mercado Mayorista de Lima, en Santa Anita, el que fue formalmente inaugurado en septiembre del 2012. El objetivo de este estudio […]
En los margenes del boom agroexportador: artículación de los pequeños productores a las cadenas de valor globales
Los importantes cambios en los sistemas agroalimentarios mundiales, en las últimas dos décadas, han planteado una serie de retos, conceptuales y empíricos, para la formulación de una mirada integral a las cadenas de valor agrícolas globales (CVA) y, en particular, respecto a las condiciones de entrada de pequeños productores y los impactos económicos que genera […]
Sepia XVII. Perú: el problema agrario en debate
TEMA I. CADENAS DE VALOR Y SUS CONSECUENCIAS PARA EL DESARROLLO RURAL PONENCIA DE BALANCE En los márgenes del boom agroexportador: articulación de los pequeños productores a las cadenas de valor globales Héctor Paredes y Ricardo Fort ARTÍCULOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN Cadenas de valor agrícolas y su impacto sobre los ingresos de medianos y pequeños productores: evidencia […]
Access to Higher Education of Afro-Peruvians: Disentangling the Influence of Skin Color and Social Origins in the Peruvian Stratification System
Despite recent efforts by the Peruvian government to rectify centuries of injustice against Afro-Peruvians, not much is known about the relative influence of discrimination and social origins on Afro-Peruvians’ access to higher education. Using data from the 2014 Specialized Study of Afro-Peruvian Population and logistic regression, the authors examine the influence of skin color and […]
OECD Reviews of school resources: Colombia 2018
This country review report offers an independent analysis of major issues facing the use of school resources in Colombia from an international perspective. It provides a description of national policies, an analysis of strengths and challenges, and a proposal of possible future approaches. The analysis focuses on the funding of school education, the provision of […]
Financiar educación de calidad y equitativa en América Latina
Education learning outcomes in low and middle-income countries are still insufficient and unequally distributed. Several factors are behind this situation, many of which relate to education funding: low absolute expenditure per student; increasing gaps in spending levels between developed and developing countries; unequal distribution of key education inputs; inefficient use of pedagogical resources and low […]