Publications of Smarter through social protection? Evaluating the impact of Ethiopia’s safety-net on child cognitive abilities
Smarter through social protection? Evaluating the impact of Ethiopia’s safety-net on child cognitive abilities
Ethiopia’s productive safety net is the second largest Social Protection Program in sub-Saharan Africa and has been rolled out to almost 10 million beneficiaries since 2005; its effects are therefore of general interest. We provide the first estimates of its impact on children’s cognitive abilities. To identify impacts of this program, we exploit four rounds […]
La importancia de las prácticas preprofesionales en la transición al empleo. Un estudio en las ciudades capitales del Perú
Professional unemployment and underemployment are problems that affect thousands of Peruvians. Their incidence is generally attributed to a mismatch between labor demand and supply. University education does not guarantee a job appropriate to the academic level obtained. Pre-professional internships are a low-cost, high-impact intervention to attack this problem. Far from being a government intervention, many […]
Más allá de los nini. Los jóvenes urbano-vulnerables en el Perú
In recent decades, the term nini – referring to young people who neither study nor work – has become part of academic discussions and debates on what policies should be implemented to address the needs of young people who are vulnerable to social exclusion. However, in a context such as the Peruvian one, in which […]
Balance de noticias: Noticias sobre educación con lentes de género
El balance que presentamos a continuación se basa en un análisis de noticias que han sido publicadas en diferentes medios entre los meses de enero a diciembre del año 2016 y se inscribe en la línea del balance presentado en marzo del 2016 que abordó noticias de educación del año 2015. De hecho, tanto el […]
Urbanization Patterns, Information Diffusion, and Female Voting in Rural Paraguay
Researchers use a field experiment to evaluate the impact of two informational get-out-the-vote campaigns to boost female electoral participation in rural areas of Paraguay. They find that public rallies had a small and insignificant effect either on registration or voter turnout in the 2013 presidential elections. Households that received door-to-door canvassing treatment were 4.6 percentage points more likely […]
Planning informality: Promoting a market of planned informal settlements
About 30% of the population in developing countries live in informal urban settlements lacking adequate basic services, public spaces and urban equipment. The origin to most of these shortcomings can be traced to a single feature: the urban layout design.
Market- and government-based higher education reforms in Latin America: the cases of Peru and Ecuador, 2008–2016
National higher education systems have undergone a series of transformations in recent decades. Since the 1980s, regulatory systems governing higher education have witnessed a number of changes. In particular, there has been a shift away from a model of state control, to one of state oversight, in which the state designs a framework of rules […]
Health impacts of a public-private partnership rural roads maintenance programme
The authors provide evidence of health impacts of a public-private rural roads maintenance programme in Peru, which is characterized by a contracting mechanism that employs small local firms. Using a difference‐in‐differences approach, they find that improved roads connectivity leads to positive health externalities.
La secundaria rural: una evaluación de sus formas de atención diversificada
A solicitud del Ministerio de Educación, el proyecto FORGE evaluó tres formas de atención diversificada de la Educación Secundaria Rural con el objetivo de analizar si su diseño era pertinente para los objetivos planteados y en qué medida su implementación respondía a lo planificado. Este artículo presenta los resultados de esta evaluación.
Programa Internacional para la Evaluación de los Estudiantes PISA 2015
El presente informe nacional analiza los resultados principales de PISA 2015 para nuestro país, tomando en cuenta nuestra realidad y contexto. La información brindada es muy valiosa para apoyar los esfuerzos que se realizan con el fin de alcanzar una educación de calidad para todos.