Publications of Urbanization Patterns, Information Diffusion, and Female Voting in Rural Paraguay
Urbanization Patterns, Information Diffusion, and Female Voting in Rural Paraguay
Researchers use a field experiment to evaluate the impact of two informational get-out-the-vote campaigns to boost female electoral participation in rural areas of Paraguay. They find that public rallies had a small and insignificant effect either on registration or voter turnout in the 2013 presidential elections. Households that received door-to-door canvassing treatment were 4.6 percentage points more likely […]
Planning informality: Promoting a market of planned informal settlements
About 30% of the population in developing countries live in informal urban settlements lacking adequate basic services, public spaces and urban equipment. The origin to most of these shortcomings can be traced to a single feature: the urban layout design.
Market- and government-based higher education reforms in Latin America: the cases of Peru and Ecuador, 2008–2016
National higher education systems have undergone a series of transformations in recent decades. Since the 1980s, regulatory systems governing higher education have witnessed a number of changes. In particular, there has been a shift away from a model of state control, to one of state oversight, in which the state designs a framework of rules […]
La secundaria rural: una evaluación de sus formas de atención diversificada
A solicitud del Ministerio de Educación, el proyecto FORGE evaluó tres formas de atención diversificada de la Educación Secundaria Rural con el objetivo de analizar si su diseño era pertinente para los objetivos planteados y en qué medida su implementación respondía a lo planificado. Este artículo presenta los resultados de esta evaluación.
Programa Internacional para la Evaluación de los Estudiantes PISA 2015
El presente informe nacional analiza los resultados principales de PISA 2015 para nuestro país, tomando en cuenta nuestra realidad y contexto. La información brindada es muy valiosa para apoyar los esfuerzos que se realizan con el fin de alcanzar una educación de calidad para todos.
Communities and Spontaneous Urban Planning: A Toolkit for Urban Expansion. Project Summary
Most urbanization processes around developing countries are happening either by rural-urban migration, as it happened in Lima 25 years ago, or by high paced vegetative population growth among second and third-generation migrants, as it is happening now in Lima—and either form exerts pressure on relatively weak public institutions. State-sponsored urban planning is often absent, so […]
Mining Formalization at the Margins of the State: Small‐scale Miners and State Governance in the Peruvian Amazon
This article analyses the Peruvian government’s quest to formalize small‐scale mining in the Amazon as a political process which shows how state governance problems are reproduced in the margins of the state. It asks why the central state is unable to govern mining activities in the Madre de Dios region, and examines how small‐scale miners […]
Social Interactions and Female Voting in Rural Paraguay: The Role of Urbanization Patterns on the Effectiveness of GOVT Campaigns
Los autores utilizan un experimento de campo para evaluar el impacto de dos campañas informativas “sacar el voto” (get-out-the-vote) para impulsar la participación electoral femenina en Paraguay. Encuentran que las campañas públicas no tuvieron ningún efecto ni en la probabilidad de registro ni en la participación de los votantes en las elecciones presidenciales de 2013. […]
Using a co-occurrence index to capture crop tolerance to climate variability: a case study of Peruvian farmers
Peruvian small farmers in the Andes mountain region have historically faced wide climate variability (from year to year and within the crop growing season). Traditional knowledge and practices, including crop portfolio diversification and selection of tolerant crops, aim at safeguarding food security even in “bad” years when climate- or market-related risks materialize. In spite of this […]
Revisiting the determinants of non-farm income in the Peruvian Andes in a context of intraseasonal climate variability and spatially widespread family networks
Non-farm income sources are increasingly important in the developing world, representing up to 50 percent of average rural household income. Although there is a vast literature on the determinants of rural households’ strategies for income diversification, two factors associated with long-term transformations and common to many developing countries, have not yet been integrated into the […]