Publications of Do criminal justice reforms reduce crime and perceived risk of crime? A quasi-experimental approach in Peru
Do criminal justice reforms reduce crime and perceived risk of crime? A quasi-experimental approach in Peru
The objective of this study was to assess the effect of the new Code of Criminal Procedure (NCCP) on crime and perceived risk of crime in Peru. The progressive implementation of the NCCP allowed us to (1) use differences-in-differences (to control for the effect of time invariant characteristics) with matching estimator (to control for bias […]
Drone photography improves understanding of spaces for children in Lima
The objective is to provide local and central governments with tools that will enable them to monitor and improve public spaces. These tools include indicators – such as the quality of the environment, ease of access for pedestrians, and level of use by families – and instruments for assessing them, such as checklists and drone […]
The constitution of hydrosocial power: agribusiness and water scarcity in Ica, Peru
During the 2000s, the Ica region, located on the Peruvian coast, gained notoriety as the main stage of what the media and politicians called the “agricultural export miracle.” The exponential growth of nontraditional exports that ensued, along with the rising importance of the agroindustry in generating foreign currency, led to the emergence of an agribusiness […]
Peru’s JUNTOS Cash Conditional Transfer Program: Geographic Targeting (2005-2017)
Conditional Cash Transfers (CCTs) have become an important anti-poverty policy globally in recent decades by aiming to alleviate poverty through financial incentives tied directly to human capital investments (namely primary and secondary schooling and maternal and child health). In Peru, the CCT program JUNTOS targeting poor families was established in 2005. By 2017, it has […]
Interpersonal comparisons and risk attitudes: An artefactual field experiment
Researchers study the impact of interpersonal comparisons on risk preferences in an artefactual field experiment. In their experiment, each decision maker (DM) is randomly paired with someone else in her neighborhood and makes a series of decisions that allows us to measure her risk attitudes under one of three conditions: In treatment 1, the DM’s […]
Consequences of teenage childbearing in Peru: is the extended school-day reform an effective policy instrument to prevent teenage pregnancy?
In Peru, approximately 14 out of 100 female adolescents are mothers. Teenage childbearing is a major policy concern, as most studies point to a negative impact of early fertility on maternal outcomes and on the birth and future of the children. This paper investigates the role of extended school-day programmes, primarily seen as a means […]
Hydrosocial territories, agro-export and water scarcity: capitalist territorial transformations and water governance in Peru’s coastal valleys
In recent decades, an agro-export boom has deeply transformed Peru’s coastal valleys, resulting in dramatic territorial changes and social inequality in the Ica Valley. This article explains how politico-economic and socio-institutional forces have triggered the emergence of a new ‘hydrosocial territory’, transforming the Ica Valley into a virtual-water extraction zone that produces luxury export crops […]
Land tenure and the sustainability of pastoral production systems: a comparative analysis of the Andean Altiplano and the East African savannah
Pastoral communities are facing mounting pressure on their livelihoods due to misconceptions about pastoralism and global trends including population growth and climate change. In this context, this article seeks to establish a correlation between pastoral land tenure systems and the sustainability of pastoralism as a production system. Using a comparative approach, researchers develop a taxonomy to first […]
Implementación de programas de inclusión social en territorios con población vulnerable. ¿Cómo está cambiando Beca 18 la vida de los y las jóvenes del valle de los ríos Apurímac, Ene y Mantaro (VRAEM)?
Beca 18 is the most important human capital development program in the country; however, little is known yet about its implementation and impact. This qualitative study conducted between 2015 and 2016 in the district of Pangoa (Junín), aims to analyze the implementation of Beca 18 in the VRAEM territory; and from thereon, young people´s opportunities […]
Capital social y logro ocupacional en contextos de segregación
This study explores the influence of socioeconomic segregation in neighborhoods of Metropolitan Lima on the occupational achievement of heads of households, as well as the relevance of social capital in this relationship. Using the databases of the Nopoor project, a direct, negative and statistically significant relationship is identified between segregation and occupational achievement. In addition, […]