Publications of Auge agroexportador en el Perú: un análisis de sobrevivencia de productos y empresas
Auge agroexportador en el Perú: un análisis de sobrevivencia de productos y empresas
This study presents a survival analysis for products and firms in the agroexport boom of Peru in the last three decades. The main goal is to identify explanatory factors which can be useful for public policies. The findings support strategies of scaling up and diversifying export markets, with a promotion role for the State in […]
Exploring the association between segregation and physical intimate partner violence in Lima, Peru: the mediating role of gender norms and social capital
Intimate partner violence (IPV) has been globally recognized as a major public health problem. A growing body of evidence has identified a significant relationship between living in a neighborhood of concentrated disadvantage and experiencing IPV. Considering the increasing rates of poverty and segregation registered in Latin American cities, research on the effects of segregation on […]
¿Son los contratos temporales un peldaño hacia un contrato por tiempo indeterminado?
During the last decades, the use of fixed-term contracts has grown around the world, a phenomenon that has gone hand in hand with reductions in the probability of obtaining a contract for an indeterminate period of time. Fixed-term contracts could be used as a means to assess the skills of new workers before they are […]
Los efectos desprotectores de la protección del empleo. El impacto de la reforma del contrato laboral de 2001
Four out of every five labor relations in the formal sector of the Peruvian economy are covered by temporary contracts. This proportion is significantly higher than that of any country in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and higher than that of any Latin American country. This publication presents the results of a […]
Democracia y gobiernos locales. Efectos de la divergencia entre la voluntad popular y la distribución del poder en los gobiernos municipales
In Peru, mayors in a large number of municipalities are elected with a small electoral base. However, in the distribution of the number of seats in the municipal council, the “majority premium” rule is applied, which creates a divergence between the distribution of power and popular support: a mayor with little support in his election […]
Do children benefit from internet access? Experimental evidence from Peru
This paper provides experimental evidence for the impact of home internet access on a broad range of child outcomes in Peru. The authors compare children who were randomly chosen to receive laptops with high-speed internet access to (i) those who did not receive laptops and (ii) those who only received laptops without internet. Researchers find […]
Young women and higher education in Peru: how does gender shape their educational trajectories?
In the last 20 years, a reversal of the gender gap in higher education (HE) has been observed both in developed and developing countries. Nowadays, more women than men are studying HE. Nevertheless, averages tend to high disparities and gender gaps are still observed when indicators take poverty and ethnicity into account. This paper uses […]
El fenómeno ECE y sus efectos en las prácticas docentes
Se ha discutido mucho sobre la importancia de la Evaluación Censal de Estudiantes (ECE), a la luz de la cadena de efectos deseados y no deseados que ha generado, incluyendo algunos supuestos efectos perversos de la misma. Fundados o no, los temores a un enfoque reducido de los aprendizajes —incluyendo algunos de mucha importancia para […]
Diálogos ciudadanos por la educación: recursos y aprendizajes
FORGE diseñó los diálogos ciudadanos por la educación (DCE) para promover la participación ciudadana, apostando a fortalecer las capacidades de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil para participar en el debate público sobre educación y vigilar la elaboración e implementación de políticas educativas. Los DCE aportan al ejercicio ciudadano de participar y deliberar sobre un […]