Publications of Intra-seasonal climate variability and crop diversification strategies in the Peruvian Andes: A word of caution on the sustainability of adaptation to climate change
Intra-seasonal climate variability and crop diversification strategies in the Peruvian Andes: A word of caution on the sustainability of adaptation to climate change
Agricultural systems are highly sensitive to climate change. Most studies focus on the effect of heat and water availability on crop yields, but little is known about the impact of changes in intra-seasonal climate variability (particularly challenging in mountain regions). Also, beyond the effect on crop yields –mostly focused on single cropping systems and major […]
The power of believing you can get smarter the impact of a growth-mindset intervention on academic achievement in Peru
This paper evaluates the academic impact of a growth-mindset intervention on students starting the secondary level in public schools in urban Peru. ¡Expande tu Mente! is a 90-minute school session aimed at instilling the notion that a person´s own intelligence is malleable. Students in schools randomly assigned to treatment showed a small improvement in math […]
Understanding teenage fertility in Peru: An analysis using longitudinal data
Reducing the prevalence of teenage pregnancy remains an elusive goal for public policy in Peru. Researchers use longitudinal data from the Young Lives Study in Peru to investigate on an extensive set of early circumstances and life changes that might be the risk factors for teenage childbearing—about one out of five girls in the sample […]
Challenges in using RCTs for evaluation of large-scale public programs with complex designs: Lessons from Peru
The use of randomized control trials (RCTs) to evaluate public policies and interventions in developing countries faces several challenges. These include limited budgets to finance sample designs and sample sizes required to evaluate multifaceted interventions, potential small-sample bias arising from such limited samples, and difficulties in random assignment when participants self-exclude from parts of the […]
Impacto de la carrera pública magisterial sobre rendimiento académico y competencias socioemocionales de estudiantes
La educación en el Perú llega a muchos, pero sirve a pocos. Esta frase que da título al libro de Beltrán y Seinfeld (2013), expresa en unas pocas palabras la problemática de la educación en el Perú: los niños, niñas y adolescentes acceden a un servicio educativo, pero a uno de baja calidad (Banco Mundial, […]
The impact of social ties and third-party enforcement on collective action and growth: micro evidence from Peru
Exploiting a unique empirical setting, 1,000 vendors in 90 traditional food markets in Lima, researchers document that historic social ties among market founders are associated, decades later, with stricter formal (third party) enforcement of market rules, more collective action, and the greater resilience of market sales to the entry of modern supermarkets. Markets with stronger […]
Presentation: New capitalisms and territorial transformations in the Andean region
This presentation introduces a special issue that analyzes the new territorial configurations taking shape in the Andean region under the developmentalist governments of the 21st century. The new territorial projects seek to increase the extraction of resources, the transference of crucial products on local level, and economic development. This remodeling transforms the techno-natural, cultural and […]
Intra-seasonal climate variability and crop diversification strategies in the Peruvian Andes: A word of caution on the sustainability of adaptation to climate change
Agricultural systems are highly sensitive to climate change. Most studies focus on the effect of heat and water availability on crop yields, but little is known about the impact of changes in intra-seasonal climate variability (particularly challenging in mountain regions). Also, beyond the effect on crop yields –mostly focused on single cropping systems and major […]
Factores asociados a la violencia de pareja contra mujeres: un enfoque departamental desde los patrones de victimización (ENDES 2008-2018)
In Peru, violence against women is a problem of high and persistent prevalence. Despite this, little has been studied in the country and precisely due to two central limitations. On the one hand, research has used aggregated measures contributing to the image of a homogeneous profile’s victim that do not represent the subgroups of women […]
El acompañamiento pedagógico como estrategia de formación docente en servicio: reflexiones para el contexto peruano
In agreement with the team of the Office for Teacher Training in Service (DIFODS) of the Ministry of Education (MINEDU), this document contributes to the construction of the institutional theoretical reference that supports the ministerial commitment to the pedagogical support as the main strategy formative The document has allowed aligning approaches, supporting them in the light of international […]