Publications of El coronavirus y los retos para el trabajo de las mujeres en América Latina
El coronavirus y los retos para el trabajo de las mujeres en América Latina
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a sudden economic shutdown. How has this situation affected the work of women in Latin America? The answer to this question demands a policy focus on the differentiated impacts between women and men. With this, it is necessary to avoid generalized formulas that eventually deepen gender gaps. This document explores […]
Entendiendo la paradoja de la maternidad adolescente en Lima Metropolitana: Un análisis de los efectos de vecindario en el 2013
During the last 35 years, teenage childbearing rate in Metropolitan Lima has not decreased, despite the fact that the capital city has greater access to public services and better economic opportunities than other regions of Peru. In this paper, this apparent paradox is analyzed based on an exploratory analysis of neighborhood effects for 2013. Specifically, through […]
A Drop of Love? Rainfall Shocks and Spousal Abuse: Evidence from Rural Peru
The authors investigate whether the exposure to rainfall shocks affects the experience of physical intimate partner violence by women in rural areas of the Peruvian Andes. Using data from the Demographic and Health Surveys over the period 2005-2014, they track changes in women’s experience of physical IPV following the exposure to rainfall shocks during the […]
Land reform and human capital development: Evidence from Peru
The early establishment and persistence of landholding inequality is linked to poor long-run development outcomes. One crucial channel runs through human capital: large landowners historically underinvested in public goods such as schools, restricted workers and their children from to attending school, and extracted surplus from laborers that could have been invested in human capital. By […]
El Coronavirus y los retos para el trabajo de las mujeres en América Latina
The Coronavirus pandemic has spread throughout the world and Latin America has not escaped its health, economic and social impacts. The economic strike resulting from a combination of astringent measures (self-quarantines, mandatory quarantines, limited capacity of people in commercial premises, factories and offices, border closures, etc.), is generating profound economic and social impacts. In the […]
Fear of crime examined through diversity of crime, social inequalities, and social capital: An empirical evaluation in Peru
Latin America is a violent region where fear of crime is well spread but still not fully understood. Using multilevel methods for a large and subnational representative household survey, researchers assess the determinants of fear of crime in Peru, the country with the highest fear of crime and crime victimization in the region. Results show […]
Los límites de la implementación de la Ley de Consulta Previa en los Andes peruanos
The authors discuss the impact of prior consultation policies in Peru, implemented in 2012 in response to the social conflicts that occurred in Bagua in 2009 and based on the conclusions of Convention 169 of the International Labor Organization (ILO).
La inclusión educativa de NNA migrantes venezolanos en el Perú – una política que no se puede nombrar
The education sector has identified the important and growing demand of foreign migrant families, and has reacted to this issue. However, a discourse and practice guaranteeing the right to education coexists with a marked absence of policies explicitly aimed at facilitating its educational inclusion. In this analysis paper, the authors address the educational inclusion of […]
The impact of Covid-19 on the Peruvian economy
Potential impacts on labor incomes of Peruvian homes are analyzed. Although it is still uncertain the magnitude and duration of the economic shock those homes deal with, our approach focus attention on this research question: how prepared are the Peruvian homes for shocks as the one they are dealing with these days? What impacts are […]
Perú | Construcción de infraestructuras: no perder las oportunidades de reducir las desigualdades en el acceso al agua
The construction of water infrastructure by itself does not solve the problem of water stress and scarcity in territories with large-scale mining and can generate unwanted collateral effects such as increases, conflicts and disputes in access to water. Based on the evidence from the cases of La Guajira in Colombia and Espinar in Peru, this […]