Publications of El impacto de la pandemia en el sistema de distribución de alimentos del Perú: los mercados de abastos minoristas
El impacto de la pandemia en el sistema de distribución de alimentos del Perú: los mercados de abastos minoristas
Durante el año 2020, la emergencia sanitaria del COVID-19 puso a prueba la efectividad y la capacidad de resiliencia del sistema de distribución de alimentos del Perú, en particular, en su pieza más importante: los mercados de abastos tradicionales, donde se concentra más de la mitad del gasto de los hogares en alimentos. El shock […]
Cerrando, ¿qué brechas?: análisis de la inversión pública en la Amazonía peruana
The study analyzes the relationship between public investment in infrastructure and the closing of gaps in the Peruvian Amazon during the first two decades of the 21st century. This analysis transcends the economic sphere by considering social and environmental dimensions as part of a territorial approach to sustainable development. It is based on the hypothesis […]
Resilience in a pandemic: the case of community pots in Lima, Peru
Due to the food crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, community pots have made a comeback in Lima’s vulnerable areas, as an alternative mechanism to fight hunger. They have become a symbol of resilience and solidarity, as well as spaces where women can support each other and become empowered. In this context, community pots have […]
Resiliencia en tiempos de pandemia: el caso de las ollas comunes en Lima, Perú
A raíz de la crisis alimentaria generada por el COVID-19, las ollas comunes han resurgido en las zonas más vulnerables de Lima como una alternativa para enfrentar el hambre. Se han convertido en un símbolo de resiliencia y solidaridad, a la vez que han propiciado la creación de espacios de acompañamiento y empoderamiento femenino. En […]
Teacher evaluation in Peru: prospects and challenges
Since 2000, with the recognition that teaching in Peru—which was greatly devalued at the time—needed to be professionalized, teacher evaluation policies have been initiated within a broader context of concern for teacher development. However, it was not until the implementation of the Ley de Reforma Magisterial (LRM, Teacher Reform Law) of 2012 that teacher evaluation […]
School environments and obesity: a systematic review of interventions and policies among school-age students in Latin America and the Caribbean
The rapid rise in obesity rates among school children in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) could have a direct impact on the region’s physical and mental health, disability, and mortality. This review presents the available interventions likely to reduce, mitigate and/or prevent obesity among school children in LAC by modifying the food and built […]
The impact of the JUNTOS conditional cash transfer programme on foundational cognitive skills: Does age of enrollment matter?
This paper studies the relationship between the age of enrolment in Peru’s conditional cash transfer programme, JUNTOS, and the foundational cognitive skills of a sample of children aged between 5 and 12 years old. Using a difference-in-differences approach and exploiting within- household variation, the authors show that younger siblings in recipient households display significantly higher […]
Late-childhood foundational cognitive skills predict educational outcomes through adolescence and into young adulthood: evidence from Ethiopia and Peru
The authors estimate the associations between a set of foundational cognitive skills (inhibitory control, working memory, long-term memory, and implicit learning) measured at age 12 and educational outcomes measured at ages 15 and 19-20 in Ethiopia and Peru (the Young Lives study). The estimates adjust for a rich set of lagged controls and include measurements […]
The relationship between maternal sensitivity and play during early childhood with the development of cognitive skills and socio-emotional competencies: Longitudinal evidence from Peru
Maternal sensitivity and opportunities for play and exploration are key elements of early childhood development. There is limited evidence of its association with skills development during late childhood and adolescence in developing countries. This study uses longitudinal data from the Young Lives study, which has tracked the livelihoods of approximately 2000 Peruvian children since 2002. […]
Concepciones sobre materiales educativos en escuelas rurales multigrado monolingües
Este documento tiene como objetivo describir y analizar las concepciones sobre los materiales educativos de docentes de escuelas rurales multigrado y de funcionarios vinculados con la educación, así como el acceso, el uso y el aprovechamiento que se ha hecho de ellos en el contexto de la educación remota, como consecuencia de la pandemia de […]