Publications of Claudia Sugimaru
GRADE places special emphasis on the dissemination of the results of its research through publications in various formats, aimed at both the academic public and public officials, political and civil society actors, university students, the media, as well as the general citizenship. Research Papers Academic publications prepared on the basis of reports from research projects or reflections of a conceptual nature related to GRADE’s work áreas. Its publication requires an external peer review process. Its publication format is usually only electronic. Research Progress Papers Publications of research work in progress. They are prepared on the basis of reports from research projects or reflections of a conceptual nature related to GRADE’s work areas. Its publication does not require a peer review process; however, they require internal approval and the external institution that requested the investigation. Authors can be both GRADE senior researchers and research assistants. Eventually, GRADE agrees to publish Research Progress by authors not affiliated with the institution, under the endorsement of a senior GRADE researcher. Its publication format is electronic only. Analysis & Proposals Publications with characteristics of a policy brief: aimed at a non-academic audience and with emphasis on its policy implications. It presents the main findings and recommendations of an academic investigation, accompanied by visual resources. Its publication format is physical and electronic. Books Institutionally affiliated books are written or edited by one or more GRADE researchers and go through a blind peer review process. Its publication format is physical and electronic.
Education Aspirations among Young People in Peru and their Perceptions of Barriers to Higher Education
Results from the Young Lives survey show the existence of a gap between young people’s aspirations for higher education and their actual chances of accessing this level of education. This paper uses qualitative information from Young Lives in order to gain a deeper understanding of young people’s aspirations as well as their perceptions of the […]
El éxito educativo de la región Moquegua, un análisis de la gestión pedagógica e institucional en tres niveles: regional, local y de institución educativo
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Entre el estudio y el trabajo: Las decisiones de los jóvenes peruanos después de concluir la educación básica regular
El estudio da un alcance sobre los factores que determinan que los adolescentes continúen estudios superiores al finalizar sus estudios básicos y las decisiones de los jóvenes sobre su futuro al finalizar la etapa escolar.
What works to improve teacher attendance in developing countries? A systematic review
Se presenta un reporte en base a la revisión sistemática de estudios sobre la efectividad de las intervenciones dirigidas a aumentar la asistencia docente en países en desarrollo, medida por el índice de asistencia de los docentes.
Alianzas público privadas a favor de la primera infancia en el Perú: posibilidades y riesgos de su aplicación
En el documento se muestan los resultados de un estudio que explora las posibilidades y riesgos que podría involucrar el establecimiento de APP para la intervención en primera infancia en el Perú.
Oportunidades y riesgos de la transferencia del servicio Wawa Wasi a los Gobiernos Locales Provinciales
El estudio analiza las oportunidades y riesgos de la transferencia inconclusa del servicio de Wawa Wasi -que atiende a niñas y niños de edades entre seis meses y cuatro años- a los Gobiernos Locales Provinciales.
De quinto de primaria al fin de la secundaria en seis años: un estudio longitudinal en Puno
El estudio reporta los resultados de un diseño longitudinal en el que se siguió a 304 estudiantes de zonas urbanas y rurales de Puno en quinto grado de primaria en el 2000 y en quinto de secundaria en el 2006.
Sense of belonging and transition to high schools in Peru
This study describes sense of belonging among Peruvian students entering high school. Socioeconomic status had no direct effect on sense of belonging but had an indirect effect through achievement.
Promoting early childhood development through a public programme: Wawa Wasi in Peru
This paper presents the results of a Young Lives study into the impact and perceptions of the Programa Nacional Wawa Wasi, a Peruvian government programme for impoverished children