State Reform and Public Institutions
GRADE researchers develop a series of studies and evaluations into the workings of factor markets, the justice system, the development of micro-enterprises, decision-making processes, and regional and local policy. Within this area analysis is also conducted into market structures, regulatory frameworks, pricing policy and policy relating to technological innovation.
Senior Researchers
Lorena Alcázar Valdivia
PhD en Economics - Washington University
Lorena has a BA in Economics from the Pacific University in Peru, a Master’s Degree in Political and International Economy from the Kiel Institute of World Economics, and a PhD in Economics from Washington University. She is currently a Senior Researcher at the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE). Previously, she served as Vice-President […]
Miguel Jaramillo Baanante
PhD en History - University of California
Miguel Jaramillo has a degree in Economics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. He completed his graduate studies in Economics and History at the University of California, where he received a PhD in History. His areas of interests are labor economics, social policy and institutional analysis. He is currently a Senior Researcher at GRADE. […]
Máximo Torero Cullen (de licencia)
PhD en Economics - University of California, Los Angeles
Maximo received a PhD from the University of California at Los Angeles, Department of Economics and held a postdoctoral fellow position at the UCLA Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR). Currently, he is the Chief Economist of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Prior to joining FAO, he was the World Bank Group Executive Director for […]
Associated Researchers
Juana Kuramoto Huamán (on leave)
PhD candidate en Innovation & Technology - Maastricht University
Juana Kuramoto received a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the University Carnegie Mellon in 1995. She is currently studying for a PhD in Policy Studies and Technological Change at the University of Maastricht and is an Associate Researcher at GRADE. Her fields of interest are technological innovation, scientific and technological policy, and mining. She […]
Adjunct Researchers
Jessica Tapia Soriano
Master en - Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO)
Jessica holds a Master’s degree in Social Sciences with an orientation on Education from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) in Argentina. Currently she is an Adjunct Researcher at GRADE and the Pedagogical Coordinator of the Growing with Multigrade Rural Schools in Peru (CREER) Project.
JournalRevista Peruana de Investigación Educativa
Descentralización funcional y presupuestal de la educación pública en el Perú: un balance de avances y desafíos
2011 Lorena Alcazar, Nestor Valdivia
Un diagnóstico de la gestión presupuestal de la educación pública en un contexto de descentralización política que ha implicado la transferencia de competencias y funciones educativas a los gobiernos subnacionales.
Las políticas públicas de protección infantil: Una mirada a las DEMUNA
2012 Víctor Saldarriaga
Se discute la relevancia de la creación de la Defensoría Municipal del Niño y Adolescente (DEMUNA) en el contexto social peruano, y analiza el servicio sobre la base de las percepciones de un grupo de jóvenes con acceso a este programa.
Ventanas de oportunidad: el caso de la reforma del Servicio Civil
2012 Nuria Esparch
Razones por las que la reforma del Servicio Civil destacó en la agenda y el interés de los tomadores de decisiones, y sugerencias para aprovechar las oportunidades del cambio de las políticas públicas en un momento dado.
Educating for the knowledge economy?: critical perspectives
2012 Maria Balarin, Hugh Lauder, Harry Daniels, John Lowe
The promise, embraced by governments around the world, is that the knowledge economy will provide knowledge workers with a degree of autonomy and permission to think which enables them to be creative and to attract high incomes. What credence should we give to this promise? The current economic crisis is provoking a reappraisal of both […]
JournalBritish Journal of Sociology of Education
Understanding education: a sociological perspective
2011 Maria Balarin, Rob Moore, Ronald G. Sultana
Sesgos en la medición de la inflación en contextos inflacionarios: el caso peruano
1994Javier Escobal,
Este documento parte de la teoría de los índices del costo de vida para determinar la manera más adecuada de agregar los precios para obtener un indicador de inflación a través del IPC elaborado por el INEI.
Efectos de la política monetaria sobre el mercado de acciones
1993, ,
Este trabajo investiga la relación de corto plazo entre la política monetaria y los retornos bursátiles (tanto para acciones industriales como mineras) para el caso peruano durante el periodo 1984-1991.
Un indicador del nivel de actividad de la economía peruana en base a un modelo de variables latentes
1993Javier Escobal, ,
En el documento se plantea la construcción de un indicador del nivel de actividad económica para el Perú a partir de un conjunto de series de tiempo de fácil acceso (series de producción, empleo, ingresos, etc).
Estado y mercado en el financiamiento de la educación superior
Revisión de tres modelos de financiamiento de la educación superior latinoamericana: asignación de fondos estatales, resultante del patrimonio propio o de donaciones, y obtención de rentas por venta de servicios.
No se han encontrado publicaciones de State Reform and Public Institutions en la categoría Journal
Organización y financiamiento del sistema ciencia-tecnología-innovación: una experiencia de seguimiento regional
Financiamiento sostenido para la investigación y el desarrollo tecnológico en Iberoamérica -
Reflexiones sobre medio ambiente, tecnología y desarrollo
Conocimiento y desarrollo: ensayos sobre ciencia y tecnología1988
Las dos civilizaciones y el proceso de desarrollo
Conocimiento y desarrollo: ensayos sobre ciencia y tecnología1988
No se han encontrado publicaciones de State Reform and Public Institutions en la categoría Policy brief
No se han encontrado publicaciones de State Reform and Public Institutions en la categoría Book
No se han encontrado publicaciones de State Reform and Public Institutions en la categoría Mimeo
What does the proliferation of speed bumps in Lima tell us about our institutionality? We share and article authored by Miguel Jaramillo, Executive Director at GRADE, published by América Economía Perú magazine, as part of its special issue on the Annual Conference of Business Executives 2016.
Ideas and evidence to enhance public policy in Peru
March 9, 2017 Education and learning, Methodologies for research and evaluation of policy and programmes, Poverty and equality, Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict, State reform and public institutions, Health and nutrition
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Peruvians pay up to ten times more for drinking water
February 21, 2017 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict, State reform and public institutions
Peruvians do not perceive the complexity of the management of a water company, said Eduardo Zegarra, senior researcher at GRADE, in a Instituto Integración article on the management of drinking water service companies in Peru. “Despite its vital relevance, we pay little for it. It is a huge challenge for fares to finance all of its production”, added Zegarra.
GRADE among the most influential social policy think tanks worldwide, according to University of Pennsylvania
January 30, 2017 Rural development and agriculture, Education and learning, Employment, productivity and innovation, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship, Methodologies for research and evaluation of policy and programmes, Poverty and equality, Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict, State reform and public institutions, Health and nutrition
For the seventh consecutive year, GRADE has been distinguished among the Top Social Policy Think Tanks in the world —25th place—, according to 2016 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report. This study, conducted by the Think Tanks and Civil Society Program at the University of Pennsylvania, classified 6846 organizations around the world in global […]
Beyond SNIP, by Ricardo Fort and Álvaro Espinoza
November 21, 2016 State reform and public institutions, Urbanization and sustainable cities
Our researchers Ricardo Fort and Álvaro Espinoza address the complexities which the National Public Investment System (SNIP) reform should be dealing: “[…] we need a public investment planing system articulating sectors and government levels, and strictly binding with the state budget system. Only in this way we will be able to make a real quality jump in public investment.”
Eduardo Zegarra participará en el VI Simposium del Agua, organizado por la Sociedad Nacional de Minería, Petroleo y Energía
22/10/2014 8:30 - 7:00 pm Local de la Sociedad Nacional de Minería, Petróleo y Energía (Jirón De La Roca de Vergallo N° 461 - Magdalena del Mar) Rural development and agriculture, Poverty and equality, Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict, State reform and public institutions
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El Ministerio de Cultura y GRADE organizan la conferencia “Inclusión, visibilidad estadística y políticas públicas para población afroperuana”
22/10/2014 9:00 am - 7:30 pm Hotel Sol de Oro (Calle San Martín 305, Miraflores) Ethnicity, gender and citizenship, Poverty and equality, State reform and public institutions
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GRADE on live, Publication Presentation
GRADE y el IEP presentaron el libro “América Latina hacia la inclusión social. Avances, aprendizajes y desafíos”, en el marco de ILAIPP
09/10/2014 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Auditorio de GRADE (Av. Almirante Grau 915, Barranco) Education and learning, Employment, productivity and innovation, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship, Methodologies for research and evaluation of policy and programmes, Poverty and equality, Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict, State reform and public institutions
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GRADE on live, Publication Presentation
Presentación del libro “Economía del agua: conceptos y aplicaciones para una mejor gestión” de Eduardo Zegarra
17/09/2014 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Auditorio de GRADE (Av. Almirante Grau 915, Barranco) Rural development and agriculture, Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict, State reform and public institutions
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Investigadores de GRADE participarán en el seminario internacional Protección social, emprendimiento y activación del mercado laboral: evidencias para mejores políticas
10/09/2014 → 11/09/2014 8:30 am - 7:30 pm Local de IPEA (Brasilia, Brasil) Rural development and agriculture, Employment, productivity and innovation, Methodologies for research and evaluation of policy and programmes, Poverty and equality, State reform and public institutions
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
- Education and Learning
- Employment, Productivity and Innovation
- Rural Development and Agriculture
- Ethnicity, Gender and Citizenship
- Methodologies for Research and Evaluation of Policy and Programmes
- Poverty and Equity
- Natural Resources, Extractive Industries and Social Conflict
- State Reform and Public Institutions
- Health and Nutrition
- Urbanization and Sustainable Cities