Publications of Poverty and equality
Resiliencia en tiempos de pandemia: el caso de las ollas comunes en Lima, Perú
The coronavirus pandemic has not only been a health emergency, but has also generated an economic, social and food crisis. In this context, cooking pots (OC) have played a central role in the subsistence of the most vulnerable population in the cities, and in some way have replaced social food programs. The first part of […]
Young Lives, interrupted: short-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescents in low- and middle-income countries
Researchers examine the situation of adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic in four low- and middle-income countries using data from a large-scale phone survey conducted in 2020. The survey was part of Young Lives, a 20-year longitudinal study of two cohorts of young people born in 1994 and 2001 in Ethiopia, India (Andhra Pradesh and Telangana), […]
COVID-19 y las migraciones de la ciudad al campo en el Perú: identificación de amenazas y oportunidades para el uso sostenible del capital natural
El Perú es uno de los países más fuertemente golpeados por la pandemia del COVID-19 en el mundo. El confinamiento nacional obligatorio que empezó a regir a mediados de marzo de 2020 y fue ampliado en varias oportunidades hasta finales de junio del mismo año, trajo como consecuencia la paralización de diversos sectores económicos y […]
The Challenges of Inequality and COVID-19 for Young People in Peru: Evidence from the Listening to Young Lives at Work COVID-19 Phone Survey
This policy brief looks at the impact of COVID-19 on the lives of adolescents and young people in Peru as they transition into adulthood, focusing on how widening inequalities are hitting those from disadvantaged backgrounds hardest.
Estrategias de cuidado infantil en familias vulnerables peruanas: Evidencia cualitativa de Niños del Milenio
El análisis de las percepciones de niños y niñas, y de las diversas situaciones que enfrentan familias urbanas y rurales que participan en el estudio cualitativo longitudinal Niños del Milenio (NdM), muestra que el cuidado infantil es una actividad familiar y femenina. Además, la precariedad económica en la que viven estos niños los expone a […]
Cohort Profile Update: The Young Lives study
• Young Lives is a longitudinal study tracking two cohorts of children in four low-and-middle-income countries [Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam]. • The survey started in 2002 and three rounds were completed by 2009. Two further rounds took place in 2013 (round 4) and 2016 (round 5). Most recently the round planned for 2020 was […]
¿Qué diferencia hacen las escuelas? Un estudio de métodos mixtos en colegios secundarios del Perú
The study on which this policy document is based analyzes which factors are associated with good results of students in public secondary educational institutions (IE), despite their adverse socioeconomic condition. For this purpose, a mixed methods design is used that follows a sequential explanatory model, which allows us to explore the effect of different types […]
Do More School Resources Increase Learning Outcomes? Evidence from an Extended School-Day Reform
Sigue siendo un debate abierto si la asignación de más recursos mejora los resultados de aprendizaje de los alumnos de las escuelas públicas de bajo rendimiento. Nos centramos en el efecto del aumento del tiempo de instrucción, que es teóricamente ambiguo debido a posibles cambios compensatorios en el esfuerzo de los estudiantes, los profesores o […]
Can savings groups promote financial inclusion and reduce poverty / vulnerability in rural areas of Latin America and the Caribbean?
This document assesses the impact of the introduction of savings groups on the results of poverty, vulnerability and financial inclusion in rural areas of Peru. Using a cluster randomized control trial and relying on administrative and survey records. The researchers find that the proposals are supported by the social networks that exist in rural localities, […]
COVID-19 Could Reverse Two Decades of Progress: Emerging Policy Recommendations to Support Young People in Developing Countries
New research from the Young Lives COVID-19 phone survey in Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Vietnam paints a worrying picture of how the economic and social impact of COVID-19 lockdowns and related restrictions could not only halt progress made over the last two generations, but could also reverse life chances and entrench existing inequalities for many […]