Publications of Poverty and equality
Medidas de protección social del gobierno peruano en época de la Covid-19
In the current context, where the pandemic still persists, but whose health impacts are reduced by the increasing application of vaccines, it is important to analyze what the State has done to protect the population, especially children and adolescents, from poverty. This analysis makes it possible to assess the effectiveness and relevance of the State’s […]
Resilience in a pandemic: the case of community pots in Lima, Peru
Due to the food crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, community pots have made a comeback in Lima’s vulnerable areas, as an alternative mechanism to fight hunger. They have become a symbol of resilience and solidarity, as well as spaces where women can support each other and become empowered. In this context, community pots have […]
Resiliencia en tiempos de pandemia: el caso de las ollas comunes en Lima, Perú
A raíz de la crisis alimentaria generada por el COVID-19, las ollas comunes han resurgido en las zonas más vulnerables de Lima como una alternativa para enfrentar el hambre. Se han convertido en un símbolo de resiliencia y solidaridad, a la vez que han propiciado la creación de espacios de acompañamiento y empoderamiento femenino. En […]
The impact of the JUNTOS conditional cash transfer programme on foundational cognitive skills: Does age of enrollment matter?
This paper studies the relationship between the age of enrolment in Peru’s conditional cash transfer programme, JUNTOS, and the foundational cognitive skills of a sample of children aged between 5 and 12 years old. Using a difference-in-differences approach and exploiting within- household variation, the authors show that younger siblings in recipient households display significantly higher […]
The case for enhanced childcare provision in a post-pandemic Peru
In this essay we explore the relationship between childcare and maternal labour market outcomes by reviewing the existing worldwide evidence and reflect on potential ways forward for Peru. The global challenge of balancing work and care has been long-drawn, especially for women and girls, who are disproportionately burdened with care responsibilities. Lack of access to […]
The case for enhanced childcare provision in a post-pandemic Peru
In this essay we explore the relationship between childcare and maternal labour market outcomes by reviewing the existing worldwide evidence and reflect on potential ways forward for Peru. The global challenge of balancing work and care has been long-drawn, especially for women and girls, who are disproportionately burdened with care responsibilities. Lack of access to […]
Trayectorias educativas a lo largo del ciclo de vida: el rol de la pobreza, el área de residencia y las brechas de género
The paper documents the evolution of educational gaps throughout the life cycle, analyzes the links between poverty and gender gaps, and attempts to identify the factors that mediate this relationship in order to propose policy recommendations for children, adolescents and youth.
Los caminos de la exclusión: las transiciones hacia la vida adulta entre jóvenes urbanos vulnerables
This essay details the transitions to adulthood experienced by vulnerable urban youth. This is the most important transition towards productivity improvements, as young people should begin to apply the learning gained from their human capital investments in the labor market. However, one phenomenon limiting this realization is the high proportion of young ninis: neither studying […]
La vulnerabilidad de los hogares rurales en tiempos de COVID-19: en búsqueda de las lecciones clave para una política de inclusión financiera
This essay identifies lessons learned from financial inclusion policies to understand how to mitigate the negative effects faced by rural households. This important contribution is all the more relevant given the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, in which the health shock shows a strong correlate in the economy.
El Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar
The essays that make up this book have been written to commemorate the first 40 years of GRADE’s institutional life, which coincides not only with the Bicentennial of Peru’s Independence, but also with the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and its profound economic, social and political consequences. From different conceptual and methodological perspectives, […]