Publications of Methodologies for research and evaluation of policy and programmes
Survey attrition after 15 years of tracking children in four developing countries: The Young Lives study
Young Lives (YL) is a multicountry, birth cohort study that, over a period of 15 years, followed nearly 8,000 individuals born in 2001–2002 and 4,000 individuals born in 1994–1995 in Ethiopia, India (states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana), Peru, and Vietnam. This study aims to document attrition in the YL samples, to identify the correlates […]
A Drop of Love? Rainfall Shocks and Spousal Abuse: Evidence from Rural Peru
The authors investigate whether the exposure to rainfall shocks affects the experience of physical intimate partner violence by women in rural areas of the Peruvian Andes. Using data from the Demographic and Health Surveys over the period 2005-2014, they track changes in women’s experience of physical IPV following the exposure to rainfall shocks during the […]
(Un)Conditional Love in the Time of Conditional Cash Transfers: The Effect of the Peruvian JUNTOS Program on Spousal Abuse
Cash Transfer programs often target women as the recipient of the money. Unintentionally, this flow of unearned income may reduce spousal abuse. Researchers investigate this possibility by assessing the Peruvian JUNTOS program. They exploit the staggered timing in the rollout of the program across municipalities along with its eligibility rule for determining participation to perform a difference-in-differences […]
Challenges in using RCTs for evaluation of large-scale public programs with complex designs: Lessons from Peru
The use of randomized control trials (RCTs) to evaluate public policies and interventions in developing countries faces several challenges. These include limited budgets to finance sample designs and sample sizes required to evaluate multifaceted interventions, potential small-sample bias arising from such limited samples, and difficulties in random assignment when participants self-exclude from parts of the […]
Reshaping the gender gap in child time use: unintended effects of a program expanding economic opportunities in the Peruvian Andes
In the last decades, a variety of public policies and programs across the developing world have helped narrow the historical gender gap in access to education and employment. Yet, the gender gap in higher education, labor income and power relations within families -and the rural society in general- is still substantial in most developing countries. […]
Peru’s JUNTOS cash conditional transfer program: geographic targeting (2005-2017)
Conditional Cash Transfers (CCTs) have become an important anti-poverty policy globally in recent decades by aiming to alleviate poverty through financial incentives tied directly to human capital investments (namely primary and secondary schooling and maternal and child health). In Peru, the CCT program JUNTOS targeting poor families was established in 2005. By 2017, it has […]
Peru’s JUNTOS Cash Conditional Transfer Program: Geographic Targeting (2005-2017)
Conditional Cash Transfers (CCTs) have become an important anti-poverty policy globally in recent decades by aiming to alleviate poverty through financial incentives tied directly to human capital investments (namely primary and secondary schooling and maternal and child health). In Peru, the CCT program JUNTOS targeting poor families was established in 2005. By 2017, it has […]
Interpersonal comparisons and risk attitudes: An artefactual field experiment
Researchers study the impact of interpersonal comparisons on risk preferences in an artefactual field experiment. In their experiment, each decision maker (DM) is randomly paired with someone else in her neighborhood and makes a series of decisions that allows us to measure her risk attitudes under one of three conditions: In treatment 1, the DM’s […]
Urbanization Patterns, Social Interactions and Female Voting in Rural Paraguay
Researchers use a field experiment to evaluate the impact of two informational get-out-the-vote (GOTV) campaigns to boost female electoral participation in Paraguay. They find that public rallies have no effect either on registration or on voter turnout in the 2013 presidential elections. However, households that received door-to-door (D2D) treatment are 4.6 percentage points more likely to vote. […]
Evaluación de impacto del programa de soporte pedagógico del Ministerio de Educación del Perú
Soporte Pedagógico, implementado por la Dirección de Educación Primaria del Ministerio de Educación del Perú, es una intervención que busca mejorar las condiciones en el ámbito educativo que permiten disminuir el atraso escolar y mejorar los niveles de los logros de aprendizajes esperados en las áreas de comunicación, matemática, ciencia y ambiente, y personal social. […]