Publications of Methodologies for research and evaluation of policy and programmes
GRADE places special emphasis on the dissemination of the results of its research through publications in various formats, aimed at both the academic public and public officials, political and civil society actors, university students, the media, as well as the general citizenship. Research Papers Academic publications prepared on the basis of reports from research projects or reflections of a conceptual nature related to GRADE’s work áreas. Its publication requires an external peer review process. Its publication format is usually only electronic. Research Progress Papers Publications of research work in progress. They are prepared on the basis of reports from research projects or reflections of a conceptual nature related to GRADE’s work areas. Its publication does not require a peer review process; however, they require internal approval and the external institution that requested the investigation. Authors can be both GRADE senior researchers and research assistants. Eventually, GRADE agrees to publish Research Progress by authors not affiliated with the institution, under the endorsement of a senior GRADE researcher. Its publication format is electronic only. Analysis & Proposals Publications with characteristics of a policy brief: aimed at a non-academic audience and with emphasis on its policy implications. It presents the main findings and recommendations of an academic investigation, accompanied by visual resources. Its publication format is physical and electronic. Books Institutionally affiliated books are written or edited by one or more GRADE researchers and go through a blind peer review process. Its publication format is physical and electronic.
CLARISSA Cash Plus Social Protection Intervention: an evaluation
This paper presents the results of the multi-method evaluation of the CLARISSA Cash Plus pilot, which was an innovative social protection scheme for tackling social ills, including the worst forms of child labour. A universal and unconditional ‘cash plus’ programme, it combined community mobilisation, case work, and cash transfers, and was implemented across a high-density, […]
El impacto del COVID-19 sobre la salud mental de jóvenes en el Perú
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
A drop of love? Rainfall shocks and spousal abuse: Evidence from rural Peru
We investigate whether exposure to rainfall shocks affects the experience of physical intimate partner violence (P-IPV) among women in rural areas of the Peruvian Andes. Using data from the Demographic and Health Surveys over 2005–2014, we track changes in the probability that a woman experiences recent instances of P-IPV after being exposed to a rainfall […]
Mejorando la empleabilidad de mujeres urbanas vulnerables en tiempos de pandemia en el Perú: evaluación experimental del componente de capacitación virtual en un programa de empleo temporal
Este documento evalúa el impacto de un programa de capacitaciones otorgado de manera aleatoria a beneficiarios del programa de empleo temporal Trabaja Perú (TP). Este experimento ofrece la oportunidad de examinar el impacto de la intervención dirigida hacia mujeres vulnerables en un contexto particular de alto desempleo como el generado por el COVID-19. El estudio […]
(Un)Conditional Love in the Time of Conditional Cash Transfers: The Effect of the Peruvian JUNTOS Program on Spousal Abuse
Cash transfer programs often target women as the recipient of the money. Unintentionally, this flow of unearned income may reduce spousal abuse. We investigate this possibility by assessing the Peruvian JUNTOS program. We exploit the staggered timing in the rollout of the program across municipalities along with its eligibility rule for determining participation to perform […]
¿Qué diferencia hacen las escuelas? Un estudio de métodos mixtos en colegios secundarios del Perú
The study on which this policy document is based analyzes which factors are associated with good results of students in public secondary educational institutions (IE), despite their adverse socioeconomic condition. For this purpose, a mixed methods design is used that follows a sequential explanatory model, which allows us to explore the effect of different types […]
Estratificación de los retornos a la educación superior en el Perú: el rol de la calidad de la educación y las opciones de carrera
Este documento de política analiza la situación de América Latina y el Caribe con respecto a sus niveles de crecimientos en la tasa de asistencia a educación superior. En el caso del Perú, la tasa bruta de asistencia en este nivel aumentó entre el 2001 y el 2019 (para jóvenes de 17 a 21 años). […]
Estrategias de cuidado infantil en familias vulnerables peruanas: Evidencia del estudio cualitativo longitudinal Niños del Milenio.
The document addresses what families face in situations of changes that impact and weaken their economy, the care of children is in second place, which affects their wellbeing. The voices of the children themselves identify the need for care networks beyond the family environment; the urgency of promoting public policies regarding the reconciliation of work […]
The impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on physical domestic violence: Evidence from a list randomization experiment
We quantify the increase in physical domestic violence (family or intimate partner violence) experienced by young people aged 18–26 during the 2020 COVID-19 lockdowns in Peru. To do this we use an indirect methodology, the double list randomization experiment. The list experiment was embedded in a telephone survey to participants of the Young Lives study, […]
“Aló, tengo un problema”: evaluación de impacto de la Línea 100 del Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables
El objetivo central de esta propuesta es evaluar el impacto de la Línea 100 del MIMP y un combo de dos mejoras dirigidas a atender dos debilidades centrales de la Línea 100: (1) un nuevo protocolo de atención de llamadas y (2) un programa de tratamiento del estrés laboral para las operadoras (burnout y estrés […]