Publications of Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Transiciones inciertas: una mirada a los jóvenes de contextos urbanos vulnerables de Lima
En línea con la literatura que concibe a la juventud como un proceso de transición que se desarrolla en un contexto económico, social y político particular que configura trayectorias diferenciadas, este estudio analiza las principales barreras y oportunidades con que se encuentran los jóvenes peruanos de contextos urbanos vulnerables en su paso a la adultez. […]
Do Dreams Come True? Aspirations and Educational Attainments of Ethiopian Boys and Girls
Authors use unique individual-level panel data from Ethiopia to investigate the role of aspirations for human-capital investments. More specifically, they investigate how parental and children’s aspirations form and document the relation between early aspirations and educational attainment at the age of 15 and 19. Researchers find that aspirations are predictive of the number of year of schooling completed upon controlling […]
El género y las trayectorias hacia la adultez en el Perú: educación, trabajo y maternidad/paternidad
En este documento examinamos cómo el género afecta las trayectorias educativas, laborales y de maternidad/ paternidad de una muestra de jóvenes que crecen en situación de pobreza en el Perú. Reportamos los resultados y las trayectorias de 26 miembros de la cohorte mayor que participaron en la investigación cualitativa del estudio longitudinal Niños del Milenio […]
El derecho a la alimentación en grupos en condición de vulnerabilidad
This study analyzes national policies to guarantee the right to food of vulnerable groups in Peru. This is based on the Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security (hereinafter “Voluntary Guidelines”), and Inter-American standards on economic, social and cultural rights. The research […]
El programa “Qali Warma” desde un enfoque de derechos humanos
This research seeks to approach the institutional design of the Qali Warma program under a human rights-based approach, identifying its constituent elements in order to be able to project them in future public food policies. In addition, the gaps or pending tasks for the full assumption of the approach will be pointed out. To this […]
Social protection systems and domestic violence in poor urban contexts: the case of San Juan de Lurigancho
In Peru approximately four out of ten women has suffered from any kind of violence from their partners. In spite of the development of a social protection system in the country, according to the DHS, only 25% of women sought help. This problem of lack of access to the social protection system might be related […]
Magnitudes, determinantes y consecuencias de la violencia infantil en los hogares: balance de investigación y de las intervenciones existentes
This is an assessment of the research related to violence against children, as well as the most important policies and programs intended to prevent or reduce it. The document begins by presenting the main definitions on the subject, then analyzes the most frequently recurring risk factors. The consequences of childhood violence on health, education, and […]
Investigación para el desarrollo en el Perú: once balances
Este libro recoge los once balances de investigación presentados en la conferencia Avances Recientes en la Investigación y Políticas para el Desarrollo, organizada en el marco del 35 aniversario del Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE). Los textos de esta publicación buscan continuar satisfaciendo la demanda de conocimiento dirigida a sostener un debate más […]
Los efectos de la violencia doméstica sobre la salud infantil de los niños y las niñas menores de cinco años en el Perú
This study aims to measure the effect of different variables related with domestic violence (violence against children, witnessing violence toward the mother, and violence against women) on child’s health (malnutrition and morbidity). Using the 2013 Demographic and Health Survey from Peru that gathered for the first time information on violence against children at individual level, […]
¿Cómo perciben los niños, niñas y adolescentes el rol del Estado? Reflexiones a partir de los servicios de educación y salud
This paper uses qualitative data from the Young Lives longitudinal study in the years 2007, 2008, and 2011. The aim is to study the perceptions of children and adolescents in rural and urban contexts from educational and health services in order to understand how they perceive the role of the Peruvian government. Moreover, due to […]