Publications of Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Design, Validation, and Application of a Questionnaire on Media Education for Teachers in Training
This article details the process of design, validation and application (N = 501) of an ad-hoc questionnaire that measures Peruvian teachers’ knowledge, attitudes, and reasoning in training on media education. With regards to the method, several psychometric validation techniques were applied and the results were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed a high level […]
Exploring the association between segregation and physical intimate partner violence in Lima, Peru: the mediating role of gender norms and social capital
Intimate partner violence (IPV) has been globally recognized as a major public health problem. A growing body of evidence has identified a significant relationship between living in a neighborhood of concentrated disadvantage and experiencing IPV. Considering the increasing rates of poverty and segregation registered in Latin American cities, research on the effects of segregation on […]
Más allá de los nini. Los jóvenes urbano-vulnerables en el Perú
In recent decades, the term nini – referring to young people who neither study nor work – has become part of academic discussions and debates on what policies should be implemented to address the needs of young people who are vulnerable to social exclusion. However, in a context such as the Peruvian one, in which […]
Urbanization Patterns, Information Diffusion, and Female Voting in Rural Paraguay
Researchers use a field experiment to evaluate the impact of two informational get-out-the-vote campaigns to boost female electoral participation in rural areas of Paraguay. They find that public rallies had a small and insignificant effect either on registration or voter turnout in the 2013 presidential elections. Households that received door-to-door canvassing treatment were 4.6 percentage points more likely […]
Social Interactions and Female Voting in Rural Paraguay: The Role of Urbanization Patterns on the Effectiveness of GOVT Campaigns
Los autores utilizan un experimento de campo para evaluar el impacto de dos campañas informativas “sacar el voto” (get-out-the-vote) para impulsar la participación electoral femenina en Paraguay. Encuentran que las campañas públicas no tuvieron ningún efecto ni en la probabilidad de registro ni en la participación de los votantes en las elecciones presidenciales de 2013. […]
Dynamics of ethnic and racial self-identification in contemporary Peru
This study has sought to analyse how the social and cultural dynamics of the population are expressed in the recent processes of ethnic self-identification in Peru. Data from 2012 to 2016 Peru National Household survey was used to investigate specifically: (a) on the contribution of the questions about ethnic and racial self-identification included in the […]
Access to Higher Education of Afro-Peruvians: Disentangling the Influence of Skin Color and Social Origins in the Peruvian Stratification System
Despite recent efforts by the Peruvian government to rectify centuries of injustice against Afro-Peruvians, not much is known about the relative influence of discrimination and social origins on Afro-Peruvians’ access to higher education. Using data from the 2014 Specialized Study of Afro-Peruvian Population and logistic regression, the authors examine the influence of skin color and […]
Assessing the impacts of a peer-to-peer training programme for women in Peru
This article reports on research that aimed to assess the economic and social impacts of a peer-to-peer training programme targeted to women in Peru, looking at overall and differentiated impacts according to design features, on a sample of 300 women in participant and non-participant communities. The study found significant positive impacts on women’s time devoted […]
Desigualdad en la academia: mujeres en las ciencias sociales peruanas
El libro recoge estudios de investigadoras del Grupo Sofía en torno a las desigualdades entre mujeres y hombres en el mundo de la investigación y de la docencia universitaria en las ciencias sociales. Las autoras presentan evidencia rigurosa, hasta ahora no disponible, que muestra las disparidades entre hombres y mujeres con una trayectoria profesional en […]
The impact of intimate partner violence on child development in Peru
Resarchers used longitudinal data from a cohort of Peruvian children (n=1,720) tracked starting at the age of 1 year old to test the association between alcohol-induced physical IPV (intimate partner violence) against the mother during the child’s first two years of life, and the child’s cognitive, socio-emotional and schooling outcomes between the ages of 5 […]