Publications of Employment, productivity and innovation
Covid-19 y el shock externo: Impactos económicos y opciones de política en el Perú
Latinoamérica sufre al momento dos shocks, independientes pero relacionados, el impacto del Covid-19 y el shock de precios de materias primas. Perú es un caso en el que el impacto más fuerte proviene de la epidemia. Perú fue el primer país de América Latina en reaccionar con medidas sanitarias y económicas frente al coronavirus. El […]
Radio and video as a means for financial education in rural households in Peru
This chapter analyzes the impact of a financial literacy training of a Peruvian microfinance institution, which is delivered by credit officers in monthly sessions with the support of video and radio materials.
Experiencias de convivencia, matrimonio y maternidad/paternidad en adolescentes y jóvenes peruanos. Policy brief
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Contratos laborales en el Perú: dinámica y determinantes
Beyond the commonly explored formality / informality binomial, this study helps to understand the duality of the formal labor market in Peru, determined by the type of contract used. It is found that 70% of the formal work initiated between 2012 and 2016 involved a temporary contract; 19%, one for an indeterminate period; and the […]
Habilidades, formación para el trabajo y subempleo juvenil: un enfoque de ciclo de vida
This study uses longitudinal data from the Young Lives study to establish which are the most important aspects that predict access to job formation and the labour market at age 22. Results highlight the role of cognitive skills, socio-emotional competencies, and the socio-economic level of the household to explain access to higher education institutions and […]
¿Son los contratos temporales un peldaño hacia un contrato por tiempo indeterminado?
During the last decades, the use of fixed-term contracts has grown around the world, a phenomenon that has gone hand in hand with reductions in the probability of obtaining a contract for an indeterminate period of time. Fixed-term contracts could be used as a means to assess the skills of new workers before they are […]
Los efectos desprotectores de la protección del empleo. El impacto de la reforma del contrato laboral de 2001
Four out of every five labor relations in the formal sector of the Peruvian economy are covered by temporary contracts. This proportion is significantly higher than that of any country in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and higher than that of any Latin American country. This publication presents the results of a […]
La transición hacia el mercado laboral y los estudios postsecundarios en Perú: evidencia del estudio Niños del Milenio
Durante las últimas dos décadas, Perú ha sido uno de los países con mayor crecimiento económico de Latinoamérica, y ha tenido una de las reducciones más importantes en pobreza monetaria, así como mejoras en los niveles de acceso a la educación. Sin embargo, a pesar de estos avances, la calidad de los trabajos a los […]
La importancia de las prácticas preprofesionales en la transición al empleo. Un estudio en las ciudades capitales del Perú
Professional unemployment and underemployment are problems that affect thousands of Peruvians. Their incidence is generally attributed to a mismatch between labor demand and supply. University education does not guarantee a job appropriate to the academic level obtained. Pre-professional internships are a low-cost, high-impact intervention to attack this problem. Far from being a government intervention, many […]
Health impacts of a public-private partnership rural roads maintenance programme
The authors provide evidence of health impacts of a public-private rural roads maintenance programme in Peru, which is characterized by a contracting mechanism that employs small local firms. Using a difference‐in‐differences approach, they find that improved roads connectivity leads to positive health externalities.