Publications of Employment, productivity and innovation
Employment protection legislation and on-the-job training in an informal labor market: evidence from Peru
Training and learning on the job are two critical channels for human capital accumulation during work years. Several studies in developed countries have found that fixed-term contract (FTC) workers receive less training sponsored by their employers than openended contract (OEC) workers do. In contrast, FTC workers participate more actively in informal learning during their job […]
Innovación en el sector público
Innovation processes in the public sector are essential to generate new and improved services or goods, but also to reform and make the delivery process of existing ones more efficient. To this end, the government must be clear about the delivery model for these public services or goods, as well as the distribution of competencies […]
La protección social en el Perú: estado actual y cómo marchar hacia el acceso universal
En este ensayo se busca resumir el estado de la cuestión sobre la protección social en el Perú, y sugerir algunos campos de acción concretos para avanzar en el diseño de un sistema que cubra a todos los ciudadanos.
Educación superior, políticas inclusivas y discriminación en el mercado laboral
This essay addresses the issue of productivity from the angle of human capital formation. This study summarizes the advances in access to education and shows the pending task in higher education, and then discusses the role of inclusive policies with the example of Beca 18 in the context of a labor market marked by racial […]
El Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar
The essays that make up this book have been written to commemorate the first 40 years of GRADE’s institutional life, which coincides not only with the Bicentennial of Peru’s Independence, but also with the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and its profound economic, social and political consequences. From different conceptual and methodological perspectives, […]
Microcredit Impacts: Evidence from a Large-Scale Observational Study in Brazil
This paper studies the impact of microcredit in Brazil. We use a propensity score matching on original primary data on business and personal outcomes to compare veteran clients of BNDES—Brazil’s largest government-owned development bank—to a matched sample of more recent clients. Based on administrative data as well as data from a survey of 2107 clients […]
Inversión pública y desigualdad en América Latina
A partir de dos estudios de caso, en el Perú y Colombia, este estudio encuentra que la inversión pública presenta un efecto de reducción de la desigualdad, pero muy pequeño, por lo cual se necesitaría una gran inversión para lograr una reducción mínima de la desigualdad. Además, se encuentra que el efecto de la inversión […]
Actitudes ante el riesgo y preferencias intertemporales de los trabajadores peruanos
Every individual, when making economic decisions, must evaluate different options with uncertain results that will affect their well-being at different moments in time. Based on the meeting between theoretical and experimental economics, this document estimates the risk and intertemporal consumption preferences of Peruvian workers. The authors contribute in two ways: they study how workers make […]
COVID-19 y las migraciones de la ciudad al campo en el Perú: identificación de amenazas y oportunidades para el uso sostenible del capital natural
El Perú es uno de los países más fuertemente golpeados por la pandemia del COVID-19 en el mundo. El confinamiento nacional obligatorio que empezó a regir a mediados de marzo de 2020 y fue ampliado en varias oportunidades hasta finales de junio del mismo año, trajo como consecuencia la paralización de diversos sectores económicos y […]
Reactivando para un mejor país después de la pandemia de COVID-19: una propuesta de diagnóstico de acción para el Perú
In this document, we present an economic analysis of Peru before and after the pandemic, along with a five-year financially sustainable recovery plan aimed at “reviving for a better country”. Our plan emphasizes the urgent need to address some of the country’s structural weaknesses. We stress the importance of public investment in this effort, but […]