Publications of Education and learning
Educación Inicial y rendimiento en la escuela / Reforma institucional en la gestión pública ambiental
Educación Inicial y rendimiento en la escuela / Reforma institucional en la gestión pública ambiental.
Returns to private education in Perú
La provisión privada de servicios educativos ha venido representando una proporción creciente del sistema educativo peruano, especialmente durante las últimas décadas. Mientras que han existido muchas quejas respecto a las diferencias en cuanto a calidad entre las escuelas públicas y privadas, no existe una evaluación completa acerca de los diferentes impactos de estos dos tipos […]
Returns to Private Education in Peru
The private provision of educational services has been representing an increasing fraction of the Peruvian schooling system, especially in recent last decades. While there have been many claims about the differences in quality between private and public schools, there is no complete assessment of the different impacts of these two type of providers on the […]
Discrimination in Latin America: An Elephant in the Room?
The paper surveys evidence on discrimination in Latin America and shows that there is a widespread perception of discrimination, especially against the poor, the uneducated and those who lack connections. The channels through which discrimination occurs may be built on the basis of economic factors. However, while perception surveys may be informative, they are less […]
Traditional excluding forces: a review of the quantitative literature on the economic situation of indigenous people, afro-descendant and people living with desability
La distribución desigual de riqueza en América Latina y el Caribe esta ligada a la distribución desigual de activos (humanos y físicos) y al acceso diferenciado a los mercados y servicios. Estas circunstancias, y las correspondientes tensiones sociales, deben ser entendidas en términos de fuerzas tradicionales de exlcusión; los sectores de la población que experimentan […]
Educación y brechas de equidad en América Latina – Tomo II
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Why are teachers absent?: probing service delivery in Peruvian primary schools
This study, carried out as part of a new multi-country survey project, is the first systematic investigation in Peru into the extent and causes of teachers’ absence from schools.