Publications of Education and learning
Data matching: construction of COVID-19 – related variables for Young Lives Peru
This Technical Note outlines the COVID-19 matched dataset from the Young Lives cohorts in Peru created by the Young Lives team. The matched dataset combines COVID-19 administrative data with the extensive longitudinal data set from the Young Lives study in Peru. The authors document the steps taken to create a set of variables that measure […]
The association between state regulation and the increase in research productivity in Peruvian universities
In the eight years following the 2014 university system reform in Peru, there has been sustained growth in the scientific production of the Peruvian universities, evident by an increased number of publications in indexed journals compared to the pre-reform period. Using administrative data, the article investigates if the growth of scientific production is associated with […]
Does early nutrition predict cognitive skills during later childhood? Evidence from two developing countries
The existing evidence linking early undernutrition to educational outcomes in developing countries is largely focused on assessing its impacts on grade attainment and achievement test scores, with limited evidence on the foundational cognitive skills required to perform well at school. We use unique data collected in Ethiopia and Peru as part of the Young Lives […]
Género y educación superior: una mirada al sistema universitario desde las trayectorias estudiantiles
This study, which explores gender gaps in the Peruvian university system based on a detailed analysis of statistical information produced by the National Superintendence of Higher Education (SUNEDU) and the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), reveals new trends in the Peruvian university system in terms of gender, such as a prevalence of female […]
Ed-tech in the Global South: research gaps and opportunities
This study explores the evolving landscape of educational technology (ed-tech) in the context of increased global and national attention about the topic, with the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating the drive to incorporate technology in education to mitigate issues with access, quality and systems management. Focused on challenges and opportunities in primary and secondary schools in low- […]
Bringing peacebuilding to nexus thinking in education in emergencies: promising practices to overcome injustices
This synthesis report was commissioned by INEE, UNESCO and IFRC through the Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies (EiE Hub). These partners recognise that education in emergencies and protracted crises must be recognised as a cornerstone of humanitarian, peace and development action – not as secondary to sectoral responses – and that this requires action across […]
Revisión del gasto público regional en educación básica. Hacia una más eciente asignación de recursos para la mejora del desempeño educativo
In nominal terms, in 2021 annual public spending per student in Regular Basic Education was 6.4 times that observed in 2000 and 3.6 times in real terms. These fiscal efforts for investment in human capital still show low figures compared to those of OECD countries and even of peer economies in the region, such as […]
Las habilidades cognitivas medidas durante la adolescencia predicen los resultados educativos: evidencia de Etiopia y Perú
Utilizando datos de Niños del Milenio (NdM), se investiga la asociación entre las habilidades cognitivas medidas a los 12 años y los resultados educativos medidos a los 15 y 20 años. Los y las jóvenes con mayores puntajes en memoria de largo plazo y memoria de trabajo mostraron mejores resultados en las pruebas de vocabulario, […]
‘Marketization’ of higher education in Peru: Who attends private institutions and what are the perceived advantages (disadvantages)?
Debate continues on the effects of the global proliferation of private higher-educational institutions, especially for-profit institutions. The authors examine two related questions for Peru using mixed methods: Who attends private institutions and what are their perceived advantages/disadvantages? Longitudinal quantitative data suggest higher-educational segmentation starting early in life, whereby young people from wealthier households attended private […]
El impacto de JUNTOS en las habilidades cognitivas fundamentales: ¿importa la edad de incorporación del niño o niña al programa?
Utilizando datos longitudinales de pares de hermanos de Niños del Milenio (NdM), se explora la importancia de la edad de exposición inicial al programa JUNTOS en el desarrollo de un conjunto de habilidades cognitivas fundamentales. Los hermanos menores beneficiados por JUNTOS desde una edad temprana alcanzan mejoras significativas en la habilidad de control inhibitorio –es […]