Publications of Education and learning
Does pre-school improve cognitive abilities among children with early-life stunting?: a longitudinal study for Peru
Several studies in developing countries have found that children who experience growth faltering in the first years of life show lower cognitive abilities than their peers. In this study, we use the Young Lives longitudinal dataset in Peru to analyze if attending pre-school affects cognitive abilities at age five years, and if there is an […]
El éxito educativo de la región Moquegua, un análisis de la gestión pedagógica e institucional en tres niveles: regional, local y de institución educativo
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Transformación institucional y movilidad en la universidad peruana: el caso de las universidades gerenciales en sectores emergentes
In the last 20 years, the greatest change in higher education institutions in Peru has been the emergence of the private university as a protagonist in the sector. Within the latter, the majority are low-cost business universities, for-profit universities whose promoters are the so-called new entrepreneurs of education (sometimes owners of other pre-schools, schools, technical […]
Ausentismo docente en Perú: Factores asociados y su efecto en el rendimiento
The objective of this study is twofold. First, to describe how teachers’ and schools’ characteristics are associated with teacher absenteeism. Second, to explore the relationship between teacher absenteeism and student achievement (mathematics and language), after holding constant student, school and contextual variables. The study uses the Young Lives’ School Survey database which has information for […]
The Reliability and Validity of Achievement Tests in the Second Young Lives School Survey in Ethiopia
This technical note gives details of the reliability and validity of the assessments used in the second school survey carried out by Young Lives in Ethiopia for the purpose of the construction of test scores on a common scale within each language for maths and reading comprehension. This document give details of the three-parameter model […]
Nivel socioeconómico, tipo de escuela y resultados educativos en el Perú: el caso de PISA 2012
El objetivo del trabajo es analizar el logro educativo de los estudiantes en las habilidades evaluadas mediante las evaluaciones PISA 2012, con énfasis en el nivel socioeconómico, la titularidad de la escuela (público o privado) y el sexo del estudiante, empleando un modelo multinivel jerarquizado que tiene en cuenta los efectos fijos y aleatorios a […]
Identificación de predictores del desempeño en la comprensión de textos orales y escritos
The aim of the study was to identify predictors of reading comprehension in order to promote early interventions. We examined data from Young Lives study, using structural equation modeling, for assessing relationships between child and environmental features, and language development. Main findings were that (1) mothers’ features – which we relate to means to employ […]
The role of objective numeracy and fluid intelligence in sex-related protective behaviors
A wealth of studies has indicated that greater cognitive ability is related to healthier behaviors and outcomes throughout the lifespan. In the present paper, we focus on objective numeracy (ability with numbers) and present findings from a study conducted in the Peruvian Highlands that examines the relations among formal education, numeracy, other more general cognitive […]
The default privatization of peruvian education and the rise of low-fee private schools: better or worse opportunities for the poor?
The study on which this paper is based set out to explore what was happening in the lowfee private schooling sector in Perú—a growing and un-explored area of public education in the country and in many parts of the developing world—and, more specifi cally, at how parents from poor backgrounds make decisions and navigate the […]
Peru: Socioeconomic Conditions on Student Achievement
Education in South America is a critical reference guide to development of education in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. The chapters, written by local experts, provide an overview of the education system in each country, focusing particularly on policies and implementation of reforms. Key themes include quality and access, multicultural […]