
Preparation of the Action Plan 2024- 2034 of the Metropolitan Policy for Early Childhood in the Metropolitan District of Quito

Areas : Education and learning
Researcher/s in charge : Gabriela Guerrero
Execution time:October 2024


The Metropolitan Municipality of Quito has recently approved the Metropolitan Policy for Early Childhood  2024 – 2034 in order to achieve the comprehensive quality development of children under five years of age in the district. This is the first ECD policy at the national level. UNICEF Ecuador office has requested this consultancy in order to provide technical assistant to the Metropolitan Municipality of Quito to develop a participatory and evidence-based action plan for the policy. The work requires priotizing a set of interventions to be implemented as part of the Action Plan 2024-2034 of the Metropolitan Early Childhood Policy, including tje milestones and timeframe for its implementation in coordination with the technical teams of MDMQ and UNICEF, and proposing a matrix of indicators for monitoring the implementation of the Policy’s Action Plan.