Community participation in the prevention of gender-based violence: The case of the Red de Lideresas Justa of the Justa Project, Villa El Salvador for Justice and Equality of the UNDP
The project will undertake the elaboration of a methodological booklet that aims to be a guide for the creation and strengthening of projects based on networks of leading women’s organizations to work at the local level to reduce gender-based violence. The guide is based on the systematization of the experience of the Red de Lideresas Justa in […]
SMS against violence during the pandemic
The aim of this proposal is to design and evaluate the impact of the second round of SMS of the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP) on (1) the flow of calls received by Line 100; (2) the change in their structure (who calls and in what cases do they call); and, (3) the […]
Specialized service for the development of a conceptual framework on control and the denaturalization of control in the work of Public Management
The aim of the study is to develop a conceptual framework related to control and, above all, to its denaturing, with a view to better understanding the costs of denaturing control in the work of public management; thus contributing to the strengthening of the public management of the State, based on the development of information […]
Study for the improvement of tax collection in the Provincial Municipality of Huancayo through the Preparation of a Fiscal Cadastre Linked to the Municipal Tax Collection System
The project aims to improve the tax collection of the Provincial Municipality of Huancayo through a new protocol for updating its cadastre and estimating the potential property tax that it can collect. A system for evaluating improvements in collection will be designed, including various measures for this purpose.
Design of an evidence-based Early Childhood Development program for Porticus in Peru
This is a 14-month project aimed at generating all the necessary inputs so that Porticus’ long-term ECD program in Peru is relevant, pertinent and sustainable. In order to achieve this, the project will produce the following deliverables: i) a diagnostic study report; ii) a call for proposals for seed funding to implement a capacity building […]
Just Education JustEd
The expectation that education can drive the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) often assumes linear trajectories and underplays experiences of education. For example, it is often assumed that including content about sustainability in syllabi or textbooks will lead to learners who make sustainable choices and lead sustainable lifestyles as advocated in SDG13 (“combat climate change”). Likewise, […]
Measurement, learning and social measurement to generate behavioral change, as part of Antamina’s social strategy
The project aims to contribute to the measurement of the social results of Antamina’s social strategy. To do this, two objectives are proposed: (i) build a M&E system for prioritized projects (education, health, strengthening local management, and family farming); and (ii) review the conceptual models or models for the generation of public value of these […]
Design and implementation of a performance index for public investment management at the three levels of government
In this project, a conceptual and methodological framework will be developed to estimate a performance indicator for operators (Public Bodies) of the National System for Multi-year Programming and Investment Management ( The general performance indicator will be based on the identification of critical points in the macro processes that affect the quality of spending and […]
COVID-19 and migration from the city to the countryside in Peru: Identification of threats and opportunities for the sustainable use of natural capital
The aim of the study is to analyze the national dimension and dynamics of internal migration in the context of COVID-19 and to understand the economic and social conditions of migrants. Likewise, it aims to identify possible conflicts and impacts on the use of natural resources due to internal migration, and to propose sustainable and […]
Transition initiatives towards models of sustainable territorial development in territories with large-scale mining
The health and economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed a set of structural problems that mainly affect the most vulnerable populations and show us that it is necessary to find paths towards sustainable forms of development, particularly in extractive territories. The general aim of this project is to elaborate a portfolio of […]