Characterization and quantification of the process of self-construction of housing in Peru.
This study combines geospatial analysis and qualitative and quantitative research and analysis techniques to establish a typology of self-construction strategies that characterizes and quantifies the households and circumstances that determine it, and locates its predominance in urban Peru. DOWNLOAD the presentation here.
Partnerships for Change in the Care Economy
The current pandemic has demonstrated that the care economy is in crisis. Unpaid and paid care work is predominantly represented by women and, due to the need to stay at home to care for family members and children, their situation has worsened, exacerbating inequalities. The pandemic has also highlighted the importance of the role of […]
Update of the guide for the preparation of Life Plans
On the sidelines of the Project “Ensuring food and nutritional security and improving the resilience of the indigenous people livelihoods of the Peruvian Amazon affected by COVID-19” implemented by FAO, technical support was provided to the Ministry of Culture in updating the Life Plan, the main instrument for collective and communal planning in indigenous development. The project “Updating […]
Supporting public school teachers in the return to classes
The project seeks to present and discuss the experiences and lessons learned in three programs that are being developed in the year 2022, with the return to face-to-face classes: 1. Conecta Ideas: this digital mathematics education program has made available to teachers an application for solving mathematics problems. In addition, workshops are organized for teachers […]
Healthy taxes and tobacco consumption in Peru
The project involves developing a study about the effectiveness and efficiency of cigarette taxation policy in Peru, analyzing the response of agents to the last two major adjustments (2016, 2018). Related publications: Valdivia, M. (2023). Acerca de la efectividad tributaria para el control de tabaco en el Perú. GRADE; Tabaconomía; Colat-Perú. Valdivia, M. (2023). Acerca de la efectividad tributaria […]
Socioeconomic study of the feasibility of the river connection alternative between Boca Manu and Boca Colorado.
The socioeconomic study of the feasibility of the alternative of the river connection between Boca Manu and Boca Colorado (Madre de Dios Region), is carried out in agreement with the Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS), and aims to characterize the social and economic conditions of the local communities along the route between the Boca Manu and […]
Generating Informality Statistics
The ILO is currently reviewing the statistical framework on informality, for which it has formed a working group whose outcomes and recommendations will be presented and discussed at the 21st International Conferen e of Labor Statisticians – CIET, to be held in October 2023. The evaluation being carried out by this working group includes carrying out […]
Survey on educational policy decisions of senior officials in the framework of the CGD international project
CGD Europe is carrying out a comparative research project on the educational policy preferences of officials and decision makers in 20 countries of the Global South, with an emphasis on educational financing and the gender approach. In this framework, GRADE will implement the surveys for the Peruvian case to members of Congress, and officials from […]
Infrastructure for rural development
The aim of this study is to carry out an analysis that supports the development of a rural infrastructure strategy through the lens of the productive potential of the subnational regions of Peru, mainly for the territories and value chains prioritized by the PROREGION program. The findings will help inform a new generation of rural […]
Identification of barriers to women’s participation in the labor market and policies to address them in Peru
The study is part of a comparative study that includes six case studies (2 from Africa, 2 from Asia and 2 from Latin America). The objective of the project is to examine the barriers to women’s participation in the labor force (considering access and quality of work) in the Peruvian context through a policy and […]