Supporting researcher’s participation at academic conferences and studies on education
This grant will utilize remaining funds from the Prague Education Research Conference to cover the administrative cost necessary to fund researchers’ participation at international academic conferences.
Developing the Poverty Page
GRADE has renewed the contract with the Development Gateway Foundation, Inc., in order to develop the foundation’s Poverty Page by providing Spanish and English information and resources on sustainable development and poverty reduction and by promoting knowledge sharing.
Instruments for the measure of educational quality
As a part of the Second Study of the Latin American Laboratory for the Evaluation of Educational Quality (LLECE) of UNESCO, Santiago Cueto will work on the development of instruments to measure factors associated with achievement and the design of a qualitative study along the same lines. The work will include the development of a […]
Oportunidades económicas para la población indígena en el Perú
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Estudio Piloto para Instrumentos de Desarrollo Intelectual y Rendimiento Niños del Milenio
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Las Políticas para el Financiamiento de las Pymes en el Perú
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Programa Innovativo para el acceso de Jóvenes Rurales a la Caficultura Colombiana
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Capacitación en derechos sobre recursos naturales de las comunidades campesinas en el contexto de operaciones mineras
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Evaluación de Impacto del Programa AprenDes II – 2005
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Minería e Ingresos Rurales: entendiendo las bases microeconómicas del conflicto
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