Risk and protective factors for young people’s mental health and well-being: Young Lives Peru’s round 7.
This project aims to complement round 7 of the Young Lives Peru longitudinal study in the area of mental health, in collaboration with the University of Oxford and the Wellcome Trust. The work includes the measurement of cortisol levels, which is a hormone to measure chronic stress. This project covers the training of the field […]
Gender gaps and informality in the management of SMEs in Peru
This project will estimate gender gaps in key indicators at the informal and formal firm level in Peru. It will make use of two new informal and formal firm surveys commissioned by the World Bank during 2022. The analysis will be complemented by identifying the key determinants of such gender gaps and their policy implications.
National Conference “Food Safety in Food Markets: Approaches from the Biological and Social Sciences”.
This conference takes place within the framework of the project “Governance and Safety of Meat Chains in Peru (GICCAP)”, financed by CONCYTEC-FONDECYT and Medical Research Council (UK), as part of the Newton Paulet fund and supported by the British Embassy, which arises as an initiative to identify supply markets as spaces where there are several […]
Implementation of the Remote Tutoring programme in Peru
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) believes that it is possible to recover the learning lost during adolescense due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To this end, it has prioritized the promotion of a cost-effective educational strategy that provides better future opportunities for adolescents with fewer resources in our region. Thus, since 2021 it has been developing […]
Revisión del gasto público regional en educación básica
The aim of the study is to carry out a review of spending on basic education executed by the DREs and UGELs in the period 2018-2021, in order to know in more detail how it is given and what is the performance of spending in these instances; and to identify mechanisms to move towards an […]
Brechas de género en la población inmigrante venezolana: 2018-2
This project proposes to analyze the evolution of the vulnerability of Venezuelan women in recent years. It is proposed to use the two rounds of the Survey of the Venezuelan Population (ENPOVE 2018 and 2021-22), which will allow us to evaluate whether the pandemic may have affected the integration pattern of Venezuelans in general, and […]
Panorama de los programas DIT de visitas domiciliarias en América Latina y el Caribe
The study aims to provide a detailed overview of public child development programs that use home visits for families with children under 6 years of age in Latin America and the Caribbean. The characterization of the services will take into account the institutional and regulatory basis of the programs, their coverage, the description of the […]
Formulation of the Regional Research Agenda
The German Development Cooperation – GIZ Agency in Peru and the Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo – GRADE have signed an agreement to develop a Regional Research Agenda for each of the six regions that have been part of the Regional Development and Innovation Strategy (EDIR): Apurímac, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, La Libertad, Piura and San […]
Preventing school dropout in Lima and Callao high schools
There are indicators that suggest that during the pandemic school dropout rates have increased in Peru, particularly in secondary school. The present project uses different strategies with students from Lima and Callao in the first year of secondary school in institutions where there is a historically high dropout rate. The impact is expected to be […]
Development of the theory of change and impact evaluation design of the school violence prevention model.
The project aims to develop and validate a theory of change for the school violence prevention model. It will also develop the project’s outcome indicators (immediate, intermediate and final) and will propose the design of the model’s impact evaluation to be carried out in the framework of the model’s piloting in 2023.