Analyzing the logistic chains of mineral and fish products
The main objective of this project is to analyze the internal and external market of the different components of the supply chain of mineral concentrates (copper, lead and zinc) and that of fish meal. This analysis will help define indicators that will become inputs to evaluate the performance of the logistic chain. Both the analysis […]
Conditioning factors and heterogeneity of impacts of the improvements on the rural roads of Peru
The purpose of this study is to estimate the impact of the maintenance strategy of rural roads that the PCR has been implementing, on the economic opportunities and the general well-being level of the rural beneficiary households. The specific goals are: 1) identify the mechanisms through which the improvements in the maintenance of rural roads […]
Access to infrastructure, institutions and poverty dynamics in Peru
By assignment received from IPPG – Institutions for Pro-Poor Growth of the University of Manchester, through RIMISP, GRADE will carry out the study “Access to Infrastructure, Institutions and Poverty Dynamics in Peru” The project seeks to explore the relations between access to infrastructure and the possibility to generate pro-poor growth under different institutional arrangements.
Provision of support to the Educational Quality Measurement Unit – UMC (SCC)
The purpose of this Project is to make a balance of the activities performed from the onset by the Educational Quality Measurement Unit of the Ministry of Education and propose a development plan for the future.
Impacts of rising international food prices in the vulnerable Peruvian households
The study will evaluate the impacts of recent rising international food prices (basically cereals) in the most vulnerable Peruvian households. It will analyze the mechanisms of transmission of these increases in national markets, and also use household surveys (ENAHO) to estimate alternative patterns of food consumption by groups, geographic and rural/urban dimensions. Measures will be […]
Participation in the evaluation of the PROPONE project on institutionalizing equity processes in education
Evaluation of a Ford Foundation financed project in Peru, Colombia, Argentina and Chile, aiming at constructing a system of indicators which schools can use to monitor their own inclusion/exclusion practices, as well as to assess national policies which affect the possibilities of the school system to contribute to equalizing opportunities
Study on public expenditure in agriculture in Belize, Dominican Republic and Peru
An analysis will be performed of the factors that limit the agricultural sector growth Dominican Republic and Belize. A growth diagnosis methodology (GDM) will be used to prioritize the most relevant restrictions, relating them to specific public policies and recommendations.
Design of the impact assessment of the gender and microfinances project
The purpose of this Project is to design the impact assessment strategy of the intervention associated to the Project “Strengthening of the productive capacities of women beneficiary of ownership titles in Lima”. This project is being conducted under association between the World Bank, ICRW and UNIFEM. Related publications: Valdivia, Martín (2015). Business training plus for female […]
Sub-regional Irrigation Program
This study will design and validate a system of indicators which will feed a benchmarking scheme for measuring the relative performance in management and water productivity of Irrigation Organizations in Peru. The study will evaluate and use existing sources of information and propose additional tools of data gathering to be used by Irrigation Organizations.