Climate change and rural territorial dynamics in Peru
The purpose of this study is to contribute to the design of public policies and investment strategies aimed at facilitating adaptation strategies to climate change that favor the rural poor. The study will focus on the Mantaro Valley, one of the regions in Peru where climatic change effects are expected to be most pronounced. It […]
Impact evaluation on the AprenDes project (2008)
Aprendes is an educational program carried out by the Academy for Educational Development in rural schools in San Martin, Peru. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of the project in diverse indicators, including achievement in mathematics and reading comprehension. This is a continuation of the evaluations carried out annually since 2004.
Ex post assessment of the justice administration sector reform in Peru
The objective of the study is to evaluate the impact of the Program Modules for Basic Justice (MBJ program) that installed 43 new courts in poor localities of Peru where judicial services were not available. The specific objective of the study is to measure quantitatively the impact of this program on indicators of: perceptions and […]
Mechanisms and incentives for educational decentralization
The purspose of this study is to analyze the current situation in Peru regarding policies and programs for early childhood education and explore options for establishing public-private partnerships targeting this age group.
Sustainable earth and water management technologies in Jequetepeque
The study is funded by The Challenge Program and is being conducted by IFPRI, GRADE and the University of Wageningen. GRADE will perform the institutional analysis of water and soil management interventions in the basin, using a conceptual framework from the institutional economy. Enquiries will be made about the forms in which the local rules […]
Research agenda for FINCyT – CIES call for proposals
This project has two main objectives: -To elaborate a report on the current state of the science, technology and innovation, on the basis of the identification of the main research reports made for Peru; and -To elaborate a research agenda for the next 5 years, identifying 5 key topics that will guide a CIES call […]
Identificación, delimitación y descripción básica de territorios de estudio
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The impacts of PARSALUD on excluded groups
PARSALUD is the main public intervention to confront the first priority for public health, to wit, the reduction in maternal mortality rates. The objective of the study is to evaluate the effects of the program on two traditionally excluded groups, which observe the highest mortality rates: indigenous and remotely located women. Miguel Jaramillo and Juan […]
Public Budget and expenditure in Education within the framework of the decentralization process
The goals of the study are: i) To characterize and analyze the sources and uses of the budget resources of the education sector at different government levels; ii) Perform a diagnosis of how the education budget is executed in practice at different government levels and how this compares to what the law sets forth; iii) […]
Provision of support to the Educational Quality Measurement Unit – UMC (PMA)
Consultancy focused on assisting the UMC of the Ministry of Education and formulating its strategic development plan, reviewing the previous trajectory, current challenges and possible and desirable alternative routes.