Evaluation of the effectiveness of an online training program about sexual health and sexuality for public school students in Colombia
Related publications: Chong, A., Gonzalez-Navarro, M., Karlan, D. & Valdivia, M. (2019). Do Information Technologies Improve Teenagers’ Sexual Education? Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation in Colombia. The World Bank Economic Review. Pre-publication. Chong, Alberto; Marco González-Navarro, Dean Karlan y Martín Valdivia (2013). Effectiveness and Spillovers of online sex education: evidence from a randomized evaluation in Colombian public schools. […]
Study case for 2010 UNESCO Education for All report
Explaining and overcoming marginalization in education: a focus on ethnic/language minorities in Peru is a case study commissioned by UNESCO so that some of its conclusions may be included in the Education for All 2010 report.
Improving access to markets for indigenous communities in Panama: an evaluation of the role of rural paths
Related publications: Valdivia, Martín (2010). Contracting the road to development: early impacts of a rural roads program. Quebec: PEP. 40 p. PMMA Working paper, 18. Valdivia, Martín (2009).Contracting the road to development: early impacts of a rural roads program. Caracas: CAF. 48 p. CAF Working paper, 2009/09.
Baseline of the Empowerment of Business Women Project
This project includes the gathering of information from the baseline survey associated to the intervention being performed by the World Bank – UNIFEM based on the Results-based Initiative (RBI). The intervention is applied with an experimental design and is based on a business management training program for microbusiness women in northern Lima.
Earnings and employment
This study analyzes trends in employment and earnings during 1997-2007. The study explores how the labor market has adjusted during the recession and recovery of 1997-2001, and the subsequent expansion of the economy during 2002-2007. Specific objectives: 1. Identify and explain trends in earnings and employment during the period 1997-2007, for Peru as a whole […]
Study on pedagogical practices at pre-school in urban and rural areas
This study is a baseline for an intervention in preschool education, aimed at children ages 3 to 5 in Ayacucho, Huanuco and Huancavelica. Data will be gathered on preschool infrastructure, teachers’ characteristics and pedagogical practices and levels of development of children in a representative sample of CEI (formal) and PRONOEI (non-formal) preschools in urban and […]
Study on the conditions for education between rural schools in Andahuaylas
This project will analyze differences in the conditions for education between rural schools were Solaris developed intervention programs and others that were not intervened.
Explaining the educational effect and the risk demography: comparing school-attending and non-attending population in behaviors and decision making
The education effect is so large that education is often assumed to be a major cause of the demographic transition of modern society, which consists of reduced mortality and fertility, and longer life spans. While most demographers and health researchers acknowledge the persistent and significant association between formal schooling and positive health outcomes, why education […]