Adolescent pregnancy: Evaluating the effectiveness of preventive interventions in Latin America
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Working Group on Standards and Assessment (Fase VII)
In the next 18 months, the group will: conduct 4 studies that (1) monitor and analyze national assessment and standards-setting processes in Latin America, (2) analyze the national policy implications of the 2006 results of the Second Regional Comparative and Explanatory Study (SERCE) and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), (3) study the extent […]
Land use planning and ZEE (Ecologic Economic Zone)
The study seeks to analyze some of the main strengths and needs of public secondary education in Peru. To that end, different kinds of data are gathered in a representative sample of schools, teachers and students of the country.
New articulation styles between the Andes and the capital: the case of rural territorial dynamics in Jauja, Junín
The Project seeks to understand the long-term development dynamics in the rural Andes (in Jauja) identifying the role of actors internal and external to the territory and the coalitions that would have consolidated to generate more or less inclusive growth dynamics.
Public Expenditure in Agriculture in Bolivia
Eduardo Zegarra forms part of a World Bank team devoted to analyzing the characteristics and impacts of public expenditure in agriculture and livestock in Bolivia, in a decentralization context.