One Laptop per Child at home. Supervision, monitoring and training workshops for teachers and pupils
This Project allows the supervision, monitoring and training of teachers and students in the use of internet and online educational programs within the framework of “One Laptop per Child at home. Technology and human capital: interventions at home: general supervision, training and monitoring” that GRADE is performing.
Participation in the program evaluation panel “Natural Areas Preservation” (EDEP: Design Evaluation and Public Budget Execution)
As part of the Design Evaluation and Public Budget Execution (EDEP) the Public Budget Bureau (DGPP) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance –MEF designated Manuel Glave, main researcher of GRADE, as coordinator of the “Natural Areas Preservation” Budget Program Evaluation Panel. The public intervention evaluated includes activities performed by the National Service for Natural […]
Competitive Cities
This is a comparative project of competitive key factors that explain the development of 8 cities in Latin America and Asia. The selected cities are: Bogota, Curitiba, Guayaquil and Lima in Latin America; and Dhaka, Ho Chi Minh, Shanghai and Seoul in Asia. GRADE will be responsible for the study in the city of Lima. […]
Incremental Places Determination System for Regular Basic Education (Design Evaluation and Public Budget Execution)
Evaluation of the Incremental Places Determination System for Regular Basic Education implemented by the Expenditure Quality Improvement Circle of the Ministry of Education (MINEDU) Budget Unit, as a response to the concern of ensuring availability of teachers according to the Peruvian educational system priorities. This system aims at providing new job openings in schools (whether […]
Indicators on violence against children in Peru
The Project will carry out the systematization of all information on violence against children in Peru. An analysis will be performed of the module on child abuse and violence in ENDES 2000-2011 homes. Finally, an alternate module on child abuse will be designed conducted as pilot and analyzed for ENDES and coordination of the process […]
Pilot and design of qualitative methodologies for the study of chronic poverty in Latin America and The Caribbean
The purpose of the project is to set up a battery of qualitative instruments to be used as pilots in the cities of Piura and Lima during the month of June, after which a set of appropriate instruments will be designed for the qualitative component of a longitudinal study on chronic poverty to be performed […]
Supplementary round on impact evaluation of the Operation License in Metropolitan Lima
The World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group has requested GRADE an additional data collection round of the companies integrating the study “Impact of Municipal licensing over micro-businesses performance in El Cercado de Lima.” There are two targets: estimate the long-term impact of the license and analyze the trends and causes of attrition in the sample (loss […]
Annual monitoring of informal economy in Peru
The project seeks to monitor a sample of urban street vendors and to analyze the form in which economic trends, urban policies and other external factors affect them over the course of four years. This constitutes part of a study currently being performed in 10 cities worldwide. The study involves a quantitative analysis assigned to […]
Ethnic-racial discrimination in health services in Guatemala: an audit study to evaluate the impacts of an intervention based on health rights
This Project forms part of an international collaboration between GRADE and the Center for the Study of Equity and Governance in Health Systems (CEGSS, Guatemala) and the University of San Francisco in Quito (USFQ, Ecuador.) The structure revolves around three components: a) intervention, b) impact evaluation; and, c) knowledge transfer. The purpose of the intervention […]
Support in reviewing the design of the JUNTOS program so that it is results based
The Project consists in offering support in reformulating the design of the JUNTOS program within the framework of the Results-based Budget (PPR) based on the logical framework approach. On this basis, methodological assistance will be provided to the team of the JUNTOS program with regard to the aspects that must be strengthened and modified to […]