Articles on results obtained by the Regional Child Development Indicators Project (PRIDI)
Santiago Cueto was assigned by the IADB to write two articles making use of the study results that are being obtained with the Bank’s funding within the framework of the Regional Child Development Indicators Project (PRIDI). This project evaluates children’s development levels in Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Paraguay and Peru, and is being jointly coordinated […]
Equality and equity in learning in Peru
The study seeks to document the existence and magnitude of the learning gaps in the school-age population in Peru, based on cross-cutting databases, and their evolution over time based on longitudinal data. In this connection, the matter is addressed using the performance census evaluation of second grade primary students (ECE 2008 to 2011) and international […]
Causal estimates of intangible costs of violence against women in Latin American and The Caribbean
This Project explores the relation between domestic violence against women and their labor participation, as well as the human capital of their children in countries of Latin America and The Caribbean. To investigate the causal effect of violence the project used the introduction of Emergency Centers for Women in Peru by the Ministry of Women […]
Training for development: recent progress and policy lessons
This Project continues with the academic research and diffusion efforts and policy spaces of some recent studies on training as a mechanism for transmission of information and knowledge of practices to help beneficiaries develop their potential, and support them and/or their families to overcome their poverty and vulnerability condition. Previous studies focused on the training […]
New dilemmas in public analysis and follow-up of ethnic inequality in Peru – II
Second phase of the project “New dilemmas in public analysis and follow-up of ethnic inequality in Peru” (project 681) executed by GRADE with the support of the Ford Foundation. During this phase, studies, seminars and incidence activities will be carried out to improve ethnic indicators in surveys and in the future census. A study will […]
Support in the preparation of a preliminary results-based design proposal for the Qali Warma National School Nutritional Program
Lorena Alcázar was assigned to provide support to the technical team that will prepare a preliminary results-based design proposal for the Qali Warma National School Nutritional Program. She will also be responsible for organizing and moderating workshops and work meetings for the preparation, discussion and validation of the program.
Administration of the PEP-PAGE project
The PEP network (Partnership for Economic Policy) will continue its support strategy for research development on poverty matters by researchers from developing countries during the next three years. This time, however, specific subjects have been defined: labor market institutions, social protection and its connection with the labor market and entrepreneurism. GRADE will continue supporting the […]
Towards universal health coverage in LAC: The Peruvian case
This Project forms part of the regional study aiming at establishing the and approaches used to obtain universal coverage for health services in Latin America, and report the debate on policies that contribute to the reduction of health inequalities. This Project is being constructed based on several previous efforts at regional and national level, including […]
Support to the organization of virtual activities towards the Seventh International Education Conference
Fundación Telefónica is in charge of organizing the Seventh International Education Conference covering several activities in nine countries in 2012 and 2013. The central question of the conference is: How should education be in the 21st Century? Activities will be organized in each country around a specific subject. Peru’s subject is “What and how to […]
Mini-novels, financial education and savings promotion
The purpose is to evaluate an intervention to promote saving among the beneficiary women of the Juntos program by exposing them to some socio-dramas transmitting messages favoring savings, with characters and stories close to their reality. The research design also allows analyzing the relative effectiveness of messages when a contest about episodes and messages is […]