Preparation of an academic document on women’s situation in the Peruvian social sciences
The Promoting Group of Women in Social Sciences is an initiative of four institutions, members of CIES (GRADE, IEP, CISEPA-PUCP), formed with the sponsorship of TTI, that seeks to raise the status and visibility of social science professionals in Peru. This work stems as a group assignment, presented in an event on the subject held […]
Monitoring of Social Changes for the areas of influence of Project La Granja
As of 2008, GRADE has been conducting a series of research studies to identify and monitor the main social and economic impacts in the area of direct influence of the mining Project La Granja, in the district of Querocoto (Province of Chota, Cajamarca). Along this research line and by assignment from Rio Tinto Minera Perú […]
Evaluación de la implementación del proceso de evaluación de las intervenciones públicas a través del instrumento EDEP en el marco del Presupuesto por Resultados
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Building an institutional culture of impact communication and monitoring
The project consisted in the elaboration of a case study about the organizational strengthening of GRADE for a compilation study to be prepared within the context of ILAIPP and TTI. The case developed by GRADE was “Building an institutional culture of impact communication and monitoring” referred to the improvement of our monitoring and incidence mechanisms […]
Evaluación de intervenciones que promueven el liderazgo de las mujeres en pequeñas empresas
Related publication: Valdivia, Martín (2017). Understanding the Role of the Couple in Key Decisions and Actions of the Female Entrepreneur in Peru. En: Martinez-Restrepo, Susana y Laura Ramos-Jaimes (Eds). Measuring women’s economic empowerment: Lessons from South America. Springfield, VA: IDRC, Fedesarrollo.
Impacts of the Juntos Program on women’s empowering
The study seeks to contribute in the identification and analysis of the impacts of the Juntos program on the empowering of beneficiary mothers. Specifically, it suggests to analyze impacts on beneficiary mothers receiving the cash transfer (and responsible for compliance of the conditions) in terms of their empowering understood as decision-making level in the management […]
The future of impact evaluation
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Ahorro Programado y el bienestar de los hogares pobres en República Dominicana
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Deepening of the growth diagnosis in the Apurimac Region
As part of the technical studies that the Bureau for Economic Studies, Evaluation and Territorial Competitiveness under the MYPE and Industry (Produce) Vice-Minister’s Office is developing to promote competitiveness policies in each region of the country, the overall purpose of this consultancy is to prepare a thorough diagnosis to identify the main barriers for economic […]
Evidence and Lessons from Latin America (ELLA)
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