Analyzing the results of the National Evaluation in Early Childhood Education
In 2014, the Early Childhood Education Bureau of the Peruvian Ministry of Education address the National Evaluation in Early Childhood Education (Evaluación Nacional de Educación Inicial) which main objective was on el objetivo principal de establecer una línea de base a nivel nacional respecto a la calidad del entorno educativo y del desarrollo infantil de […]
Profundización al diagnóstico de crecimiento de la Región Apurímac Huancavelica
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Production contexts, dissemination and use of economic and social research in medium and low income Latin American countries: a comparative study between Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru
This comparative study of the production environment, dissemination and use of the economic and social research in three countries of Latin America is framed within the Doing Research Initiative of the Global Development Network. The study will combine the collection of qualitative information with the analysis of available quantitative information to identify key aspects of […]
Analyzing the public expenditure in Latin America
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Consequences of domestic violence against women on children’s school progress in Peru: a countrywide study differentiated by gender
The main goal of this study is to determine the relevance of gender violence at home as a decisive element in school performance. Specifically, the main purpose of the study is to estimate the effect of violence against women at home on children’s school performance through the possibility of their failing the school year. Particularly, […]
Impact assessment design of Programa Andenes
The purpose of this consultancy is to prepare a methodological design for a random impact assessment for the Andenes program, including systematization of the change theory, identification of transmission channels and possible externalities, as well as identification of the main result indicators.
Análisis de TIC en TERCE (tercer estudio regional comparativo y explicativo de UNESCO)
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Diagnosis of the situation and potential of the irrigation sector in Nicaragua
Upon request of the Inter-American Development Bank, GRADE undertook the assignment to carry out a study on the possibilities to expand agriculture irrigation in Nicaragua within the context of increasing climate difficulties and the production requirements in the country. The evaluation will focus on physical and institutional aspects for irrigation development, with the collaboration of […]
Efectos dinámicos del programa Juntos en decisiones productivas y economías locales de los hogares rurales del Perú
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