Youth and inequality in Peru: opportunities and barriers
Fight against outer inequality is a key component of Oxfam work in Peru and the world. In this sense, it is key to question the phenomenon regarding the high concentration of wealth and opportunities accumulated in the hands of a few at the expense of many. The purpose of this project is to generate evidence of the […]
Understanding the thief: What factors determined its choice?
Most studies on crime focus on the victim and leave aside the other story: the criminal’s one. This study includes this topic and aims to answer what factors influence a criminal to commit one type of crime instead of another. The factors that we will study can be divided between individuals and the community where the delinquent […]
Supporting Young Lives Peru 2017 School Survey
Young Lives Peru is a longitudinal study that follows two cohorts of children since 2002. Data gathering has been carried out mainly through household surveys, with five rounds completed to date. In a complementary way, in 2011 a study was carried out with a sample of schools. In 2017, Young Lives Peru plans to conduct a second School […]
Revisión de la Metodología del Índice de Focalización de Hogares (IFH) en el marco del enfoque de pobreza multidimensional
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Life strategies in a context of transformations in rural highlands: climate change, migration corridors and income diversification
This research project analyzed the current income diversification strategies of rural households in the Peruvian highlands, understanding diversification in terms of activities within and outside agriculture, such as independent or salaried workers, and the receipt of transfers and income.
Reviewing innovation agencies in Latin America
Revisión de los modelos de agencias de innovación en cuatro países de AL para brindar insumos sobre las funciones y estructura organizacional que se recomendará para convertir al Programa Innóvate Perú en una agencia de innovación. Se consideraron: ANPCYT en Argentina, FINEP en Brasil, CORFO en Chile e INNPULSA en Colombia
Preparing a guide document on Science, Technology & Innovation research for San Agustin National University
El documento incluye una revisión de los resultados en las convocatorias recientes realizadas por el Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (FONDECYT) así como la revisión de la literatura sobre la agenda regional económica y de innovación para la región Arequipa.
Assistance and technical advice in the first phase of design of the urban poverty reduction strategy
The aim of the project is to provide assistance and technical advice in the first phase of the urban poverty reduction strategy design, linked to the elaboration of the narrative and preliminary conceptual framework. Meetings were held with the team of the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (MIDIS), with the Senior Management of the […]
Balance de investigación en políticas públicas 2011-2016 y agenda de Investigación 2017-2021 con el tema educación
Se llevará a cabo un balance de investigación en políticas públicas 2011-2016 y una agenda de investigación 2017-2021 en el tema de educación del Consorcio de Investigación Económica y Social (CIES). En junio de 2016, el Consejo Directivo del CIES convocó a un concurso para realizar un estudio sobre las investigaciones producidas por los centros socios […]
Science, Technology & Innovation: Review and Agenda
Balance de la literatura escrita en temas de ciencia, tecnología e innovación (CTI) durante el periodo 2011-2016 e identificación de los temas de agenda en políticas públicas para el periodo 2017-2021.