Final external evaluation of the Energy for Development Project (EnDev) in Central America
The purpose is to carry out the final evaluation of the Project “Energies for Development (EnDev) in Central America”, which has been implemented in Honduras and Nicaragua, taking into account the following parameters: (i) evaluate the development of the project during the period 2009 -2019, considering the evaluation criteria for development assistance of the OECD-DAC […]
Mainstreaming information gathering on ethnicity to improve minority access to education: the case of Afro-descendant girls
This project seeks to analyze the use of information on the ethnic-cultural identity of the population as a useful tool to address problems of poverty and discrimination faced by Afro-Peruvian girls and adolescents. Specifically, its objective is to analyze two dimensions: a) the process of access of Afro-Peruvian adolescents to High Performance Schools (COAR); and, […]
Worldreader Project
Crece Lee is a project that aims to promote reading motivation and communication skills of primary school students in public schools in Peru. The technology is being adapted to the country based on the international model developed by Worldreader, who are our allies in the project. The intervention will be in charge of World Vision […]
Preparation of the Proposal of the National Employment Service Attention Model
The aim of the Loan Contract No. 3547 / OC-PE is to improve and expand the services of the Employment Centers (EC) for the formal labor insertion of the Youth Economically Active Population (PEA) of Arequipa, Ica, Lambayeque, La Libertad, Piura, San Martín and Metropolitan Lima regions. In this line, GRADE will draw up and validate […]
Development of an institutional diagnosis that facilitates decision making within OSINERGMIN
Elaboration of an institutional diagnosis that allows speeding up decision making within OSINERGMIN, which includes the review of the organizational structure and, if applicable, a proposal for a new structure according to the identified needs.
Challenges and public policy recommendations in gender and diversity in Peru
The aim of the study is to offer a social exclusion diagnosis for the main marginalized groups, identify the main actions and policies that are being implemented and the main challenges, as well as propose recommendations to close the identified gaps. First, a diagnosis will address the main gaps in education, health and employment, as well […]
Factors associated with partner violence against women: a departmental approach based on patterns of victimization
Despite the relevance and persistence of violence against women, there is little evidence on their risk factors. Likewise, victims are homogenized (producing estimates that do not identify heterogeneous subgroups) and are studied without major subnational distinction where social and economic characteristics influence the manifestation of certain risk factors. Based on the ENDES Demographic and Family […]
Diagnosis and proposal of restructuring and efficiency measures for Employment Promotion Programs
The project aims to diagnose and propose the restructuring and efficiency measures of labor promotion programs, under the Vice Ministry of Employment Promotion and Labor Training; for which, the following activities will be carried out: a) Diagnosis of employment promotion programs; b) Proposal for the design, structure and general operation of the programs; c) Proposal […]
Evaluation of the police intervention against complaints of violence against women: Experimental evaluation of the Home Visitation Program of the National Police of Peru
In 2018, the National Police of Peru (PNP) created the Home Visitation Squad that is responsible for visiting once only women who report partner violence in police stations. The visits take place in a particular vulnerability advantage: between the presentation of the complaint and the granting of a precautionary measure (between 2 to 4 weeks). […]
Consulting on Public Management for Advising Paraguay’s Ministry of Finance
The Division of Innovation to Serve the Citizen (ICS), part of the IDB’s Institutions for Development Department (IFD), has the mission of improving the government for the provision of services around three operational axes: Effective Governments, Efficient Governments and Open Governments. The Ministry of Finance does not currently have review criteria based on good international […]