Development of indicator measurement procedures, instrument design for information gathering and systematization, and analysis of Directorate for Promotion and Monitoring (DPM) actions in approved directives for DEVIDA during 2019 – 2020
The study aimed to propose improvements to the follow-up and evaluation procedures of interventions, projects and programs in the fight against drugs as part of the implementation of the follow-up and evaluation of the National Policy against Drugs by 2030 (PNCD). The consulting team prepared an implementation strategy according to relevant guidelines, instruments and deadlines […]
Rebuilding to improve: opportunities from the crisis for sustainable and inclusive improvements in food security, labor markets and social protection
Facing the current pandemic, developing countries have been implementing a variety of policy measures that do not have a history of their effectiveness, efficiency or equity. This project aims to explore effective policy options in the fight against Covid-19, along with new opportunities for Latin America and the Global South that reduce the socio-economic impacts of […]
Effects of the Rainforest Alliance certification on the banana sector in Ecuador
The project will assess the effects of the Rainforest Alliance certification on indicators of productivity, income, well-being and environmental care, within the Ecuadorian banana sector. The methods of Contribution Analysis and Process Monitoring will be used to identify the transmission mechanisms of effects and their reliability.
Implementation of the ConectaIdeas program remotely in public schools
This project aims to expand the ConectaIdeas intervention to promote mathematics learning in public schools in Lima. The project has been implemented since 2019 by GRADE jointly with the University of Chile and the IDB, in alliance with the Ministry of Education. The intervention includes 4th and 5th grade primary students from 42 public schools […]
Early Childhood Development in Peru
The study aims to map the different projects (public and private) in favor of early childhood. Similarly, it seeks to explore how present the issue of early childhood has been on the public policy agenda in recent decades.
Towards a sustainable infrastructure in the Peruvian Amazon
Commissioned by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the project aims, on the one hand, to contribute to the methodological design of the process of updating the National Infrastructure Plan for Competitiveness (PNIC) -which should be approved for the period 2022-2025- including environmental, social, transparency and territorial planning considerations; and, on the other hand, to […]
The coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the economic autonomy of women
The aim of the study was to analyze the possible effects of the Covid 19 crisis on the employment and labor income of women in Peru. In this way, a comparative analysis of the labor insertion of women in contrast to men was undertook. Women heads of household, some relevant intersectionalities for policy design, stories […]
Mixed evaluation of the implementation of the Ministry of Health Home Visits with Social Actors intervention, on the sidelines of child health priority
The objective of the study was to evaluate how the intervention of home visits with social actors has been implemented by the MINSA teams, as well as to assess the quality of visits and technical assistance to local governments, social actors, and managers of the incentive plan and health personnel. For this, an exploratory study […]
Managing success and failure: Comparative study of the local management of the Administrative Board of Sanitation Service (JASS) in the rural community of San Andrés de Yanacca and the rural community of Llactacunca for the improvement of rural sanitation
This project aims to analyze in a comparative way the hybrid institutional mechanisms (formal and informal rules and procedures) in the field of water resource management between the rural communities of San Andrés de Yanacca and Llactacunca (Cotabambas, Apurímac) that have adopted the model of the Administrative Board of Sanitation Service (JASS) proposed by the […]
Reintegration and permanence in the labor market with gender equality : scope and limitations of the Cuna Más Day Care Service for young mothers in Lima
From a gender perspective, this research seeks to analyze the scope and limitations of the Cuna Más Day Care Service (SCD) in the reintegration and permanence of young mothers in Lima, through a qualitative approach. The analysis of the career paths of 30 young mothers of the three modalities of the SCD of CM of […]