
Gender opportunities and constraints to integrating information and communication technologies in micro and small enterprises

Areas : Employment, productivity and innovation
Researcher/s in charge : Juana Kuramoto
Other researchers : Juan Jose Diaz, Nestor Valdivia
Execution time:January 2006


The goal of this project is to study, under a gender perspective, the opportunities and constraints that handcraft and agriculture MSEs face to deploy ICTs as tools to gain markets.

The specific goals are:

– to describe gender-based differences regarding the employment in handcraft and agriculture MSEs.

– to identify opportunities and constraints to increase the MSEs access to ICTs.

– to review the perspectives used in Peru to integrate ICTs and MSEs, as well as the resulting intervention programs.

– to current access and use of ICTs in Peru (stressing the use of internet booths).

– to provide policy recommendations to support and strengthen the exporting capacity of MSEs.