Projects of Health and nutrition
Adolescent pregnancy: Evaluating the effectiveness of preventive interventions in Latin America
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Evaluation of the effectiveness of an online training program about sexual health and sexuality for public school students in Colombia
Related publications: Chong, A., Gonzalez-Navarro, M., Karlan, D. & Valdivia, M. (2019). Do Information Technologies Improve Teenagers’ Sexual Education? Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation in Colombia. The World Bank Economic Review. Pre-publication. Chong, Alberto; Marco González-Navarro, Dean Karlan y Martín Valdivia (2013). Effectiveness and Spillovers of online sex education: evidence from a randomized evaluation in Colombian public schools. […]
The impacts of PARSALUD on excluded groups
PARSALUD is the main public intervention to confront the first priority for public health, to wit, the reduction in maternal mortality rates. The objective of the study is to evaluate the effects of the program on two traditionally excluded groups, which observe the highest mortality rates: indigenous and remotely located women. Miguel Jaramillo and Juan […]
Monitoreo del gasto público social orientado a la infancia: análisis del programa JUNTOS y de la oferta asociada a las condicionalidades del programa
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Evaluación de impacto de proyectos financiados por CORDAID
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Financing health and social protection services in Latin America
Related publication: Valdivia, Martín and Juan José Díaz (2012). The Vulnerability of the Uninsured to Health Shocks in Peru. In: Knaul, Felicia Marie; Rebeca Wong y Héctor Arreola-Ornelas (editores). Financing Health in Latin America Household Spending and Impoverishment. Washington: Harvard Global Equity Initiative, Mexican Health Foundation, International Development Research Centre, IDRC, pp. 251-283. Download the full publication in the […]
Evaluación del Impacto del Programa PARSALUD para reducir la mortalidad maternal sobre el acceso a servicios de salud materna y parto institucional
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Wawa Wasi
The purpose of the study was to determine is the level of development reached by children who have attended Wawa Wasi is higher than that of children who have not attended this early childhood government program. Additionally, qualitative and quantitative information on the functioning of Wawa Wasi was collecteded so that the impact analysis may […]
Institutional Change in Health Sector and the Millenium Development Goals
Related publication: Cockburn, John y Martín Valdivia (2008). Reaching the MDGs: an international perspective. Quebec: PEP. 138 p
Estudio sobre los Recursos Humanos en salud en el Perú: gestión, distribución, regulación, formación y condiciones laborales
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