Projects of Poverty and equality
Efectos dinámicos del programa Juntos en decisiones productivas y economías locales de los hogares rurales del Perú
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Impacts of the Juntos Program on women’s empowering
The study seeks to contribute in the identification and analysis of the impacts of the Juntos program on the empowering of beneficiary mothers. Specifically, it suggests to analyze impacts on beneficiary mothers receiving the cash transfer (and responsible for compliance of the conditions) in terms of their empowering understood as decision-making level in the management […]
Ahorro Programado y el bienestar de los hogares pobres en República Dominicana
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Grupos de ahorro y vulnerabilidad en comunidades andinas del Perú
Este estudio busca analizar la contribución de los grupos de ahorro de COFIDE (UNICAS) a la reducción de la vulnerabilidad de los hogares de zonas rurales andinas (Ayacucho). Documentos de Trabajo: Frisancho, V. & Valdivia, M. (2020). Savings Groups Reduce Vulnerability, but have Mixed Effects on Financial Inclusion [CAF Working Paper, 12]. Frisancho, V. & […]
Markets for the pyramid base in Peru: a qualitative approach
This study seeks to provide qualitative information for the design and validation of a survey to provide better insight of how key markets serving the population closest to the poverty threshold operate in Peru. A set of focus groups will be developed to better understand the strategies followed by these consumers when acquiring education, health, […]
Impacts of public rural investment in the development of regions and population well-being levels (2002-2012)
The study seeks to estimate the relation between public investment and rural poverty from an aggregated view of the set of investments implemented by different government levels in each department of the country for the 2002-2012 period. Starting with the construction of relevant categories of public investment for rural development, conclusions may be set out […]
Public expenditure on Latin American Children: How much and how effective?
The objective is to analyze levels, evolution, composition and quality of social public expenditure in Latin America and The Caribbean. In order to provide a more complete vision of the characteristics and expenditure quality on children in the region, the study will additionally provide a brief revision of the institutional framework for public expenditure on […]
Determining factors of localized poverty and inequality traps
The objectives of the study are (i) construct descriptive indicators for inequality of opportunities, quality of life, social mobility, from a territorial perspective; and (ii) prepare pseudo-panels to analyze changes in the distribution of opportunities in specific population groups (marked by particular circumstances) to identify if these groups are more or less prone to upward […]
Development of a methodology to identify Indigenous Peoples for whom the Prior Consultation Act is applicable in the Peruvian Andes.
The Project seeks to perform an analysis of the identification of indigenous peoples in the Andean region and its implications for the application of the Prior Consultation Act to use as contribution to define the agenda for the World Bank and the Ministry of Culture of Peru. In particular, it provides the following: a) Brief […]
Impact evaluation of business initiatives on the base of the social pyramid
In the past years, the international development sector has increasingly focused on applying market-based development strategies, including impact investments and the social creation of enterprises in Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs) in an attempt to face development goals that cover from the generation of income and employment to sanitary and education services. The assumptions behind […]