Projects of Employment, productivity and innovation
Diagnosis and roadmap for strengthening research capabilities and contribution to the productive sector of the Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo
The project aims to carry out a comprehensive diagnosis of the current situation of the Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo (UNASAM) in terms of its research capacity and production of knowledge and technologies. Based on this analysis, a strategic roadmap will be defined to strengthen the university’s links with the regional productive sector and […]
Labor Neighbors Resource Toolkit
Labor mobility not only contributes to the economic development of countries of origin and destination, but also offers workers the opportunity to improve their living conditions. In Latin America, where unemployment and underemployment are persistent challenges, labor migration is seen as a viable solution to reduce poverty and increase economic stability. Factors such as digital […]
Final Evaluation of the “Project to Improve the Levels of Productive Innovation at the National Level” – FINCYT III
The “Improving Levels of Productive Innovation at the National Level” project has been underway since August 2016 and aims to contribute to the growth of business productivity by increasing levels of innovation. For its implementation, more than US$ 90 million has been committed through different instruments, such as competitive grants for innovation projects and ventures from a variety of public, private and academic actors; resources to […]
Consultancy for the review and update of the availability of human capital for innovation in Peru
The project consists of reviewing and updating the situation of the availability of human capital for innovation in Peru. It includes the review of studies and the proposal of a theoretical framework for the analysis of the supply and demand of human capital necessary for the proper functioning of an innovation system in Peru, assessing […]
Consultancy for the review and update of the availability of human capital for innovation in Peru
The project consists of reviewing and updating the situation of the availability of human capital for innovation in Peru. It includes the review of studies and the proposal of a theoretical framework for the analysis of the supply and demand of human capital necessary for the proper functioning of an innovation system in Peru, assessing […]
Country Portfolio Evaluation of German Support to Peru between 2010 and 2022
The objective of the project is to undertake an evaluation of the country portfolio of German support to Peru between 2010 and 2022. GRADE’s role is to support the DEval team in this evaluation. This is one of the two of the country portfolio evaluations undertaked by the German government around the world. In addition to lessons on […]
Soft skills and the resilience of women microentrepreneurs in Peru
This project seeks to close a study that has sought to evaluate the impacts of an intervention based on strengthening the soft skills of microentrepreneurs to promote the strengthening of their income-generating capacities. The study includes a telephone exit survey and its subsequent analysis.
Generating Informality Statistics
The ILO is currently reviewing the statistical framework on informality, for which it has formed a working group whose outcomes and recommendations will be presented and discussed at the 21st International Conferen e of Labor Statisticians – CIET, to be held in October 2023. The evaluation being carried out by this working group includes carrying out […]
Identification of barriers to women’s participation in the labor market and policies to address them in Peru
The study is part of a comparative study that includes six case studies (2 from Africa, 2 from Asia and 2 from Latin America). The objective of the project is to examine the barriers to women’s participation in the labor force (considering access and quality of work) in the Peruvian context through a policy and […]
Shaping the response to COVID-19
The aim of the project is to inform policy makers about appropriate policy options to face the recession due to COVID-19 and promote economic recovery. The focus will be on the interface between macroeconomic policies and social, economic and environmental results. The methodology is being developed by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and after being […]