From Math to Reading: Expanding APPrendemos in Peru’s Public Schools
During 2021 GRADE scaled up the Conecta Ideas Peru digital education program nationwide with the objective of promoting mathematics learning in students from 3rd to 6th grade of primary school. As part of the program, an app for students (owned by Automind) and a website for teachers were developed. Based on this experience, this project […]
AdaptED – Observatory for Educational Adaptation in Latin America and the Caribbean
This project proposes the establishment of an Observatory of Resilience of Education Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean, focused on SMA partner countries. The Observatory will collect, produce and disseminate evidence, experiences and research relevant to improving the adaptability and resilience of education systems. Using a mixed methods approach, the research will identify existing […]
Evaluation: Impact of DEG/OeEB investments on its clients, their employees and local communities
This study seeks to explore the impact of the investments of the German Investment Corporation (Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft – DEG) and the Austrian Development Bank (Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG – OeEB) on their clients, their employees and local communities. Specifically, the evaluation seeks to i) analyze the effects at the level of the client, beneficiaries, […]
Diagnosis and roadmap for strengthening research capabilities and contribution to the productive sector of the Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo
The project aims to carry out a comprehensive diagnosis of the current situation of the Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo (UNASAM) in terms of its research capacity and production of knowledge and technologies. Based on this analysis, a strategic roadmap will be defined to strengthen the university’s links with the regional productive sector and […]
Preparation of the Action Plan 2024- 2034 of the Metropolitan Policy for Early Childhood in the Metropolitan District of Quito
The Metropolitan Municipality of Quito has recently approved the Metropolitan Policy for Early Childhood 2024 – 2034 in order to achieve the comprehensive quality development of children under five years of age in the district. This is the first ECD policy at the national level. UNICEF Ecuador office has requested this consultancy in order to provide technical assistant […]
Sustainability of artisanal mining in Madre de Dios
The objective of the project is to design and implement a joint research program for Madre de Dios that includes collaborative research activities, as well as the development of research projects in the region. The project seeks to contribute to research on artisanal alluvial gold mining in Madre de Dios and to promote a responsible […]
Technical assistance and monitoring services for the development of events in the education sector
The aim of the project is to implement the second Mathematics Tournament in the Moquegua region on the sidelines of the Conecta Ideas Perú programme.
Labor Neighbors Resource Toolkit
Labor mobility not only contributes to the economic development of countries of origin and destination, but also offers workers the opportunity to improve their living conditions. In Latin America, where unemployment and underemployment are persistent challenges, labor migration is seen as a viable solution to reduce poverty and increase economic stability. Factors such as digital […]
Analysis of changes in family structures and arrangements in households with children and adolescents in Ecuador
The study aims to describe and analyze the change in family structures and arrangements in households with children and adolescents in Ecuador in the period between 1990 and 2022; to guide programmes and actions related to social policy, especially to ensure the well-being and protection of households with children and adolescents. Databases from the 1990, 2001, […]
Design of an international agency for the assessment of student skills
The purpose is to design mechanisms for the operation of an international agency to determine the compatibility of national school achievement assessments and support the development and use of these assessments to enhance quality and equity in education. The work of this agency should be aligned with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 and indicator 4.1.1.