Opinion Article
Labour market in 2022: following the same path, by Miguel Jaramillo
“The number of people in informal employment continues breaking historical records for the country, having reached 9.77 million in the second quarter of the year. On the other hand, the number of formal workers, 4.03 million, remains lower than any point in the last 8 years”. Miguel Jaramillo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, writes about the […]
The agrarian crisis and Castillo’s goverment, by Eduardo Zegarra
“The announced second agrarian reform, initially thought of as a proposal for profound changes in the way of governing to guide comprehensive policies and budget resources towards the forgotten family farming, has become a slogan almost devoid of any concrete content”. Our Senior Researcher Eduardo Zegarra writes about the agrarian crisis and the challenges facing the new minister of agriculture Jenny Ocampo. […]
Instrumental learning in the returning to school classes, by Santiago Cueto
“One cannot universally hierarchize learning into, for example, fundamental and secondary (or non-fundamental). Instead, I think it can be argued that learning in reading and mathematics is instrumental for learning in other areas and throughtout life”. Santiago Cueto, Senior Researcher at GRADE, shares his thoughts on learning recovery initiatives focused on reading and mathematics. His article includes a video of the seminar […]
Labor informality aggravates social gaps in Peru, by Miguel Jaramillo
“The gaps between formal and informal workers are the main factor behind youth labor inequality. Young people who work in the informal sector earn on average 40% less than those who have a formal job. […] The evidence suggests that it makes sense to invest in improving the first labor experiences of young people”. Miguel Jaramillo, […]
The improbable transition to formality, by Miguel Jaramillo
“Two traits are key to characterizing workers who transition from informality to formality: education and age. Greater education increases the probability of entering salaried formality from all labor segments, and more pronounced for the increase in education. high school to high school.” Miguel Jaramillo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, shares recent evidence on mobility between the […]
Building safer and more sustainable food systems in Peru, by Karine Gatellier (IDS) and Ricardo Fort
The pandemic has aggravated the food insecurity situation of people. In Peru, the most vulnerable are facing great difficulties in accessing food, while food market vendors are also struggling to keep their businesses afloat. Read this Covid-19 Responses for Equity (CORE) story of change to know how the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE) […]
Labor market and poverty, by Miguel Jaramillo Baanante
“The number of people with a formal job was the lowest in almost a decade, 3.78 million people. The combination of low growth in formal employment, growing informality and meager recovery of income in the informal sector condemns us to greater poverty”. Miguel Jaramillo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, analyzes the panorama of the labor market and poverty […]
Who will suffer more with the inflation?, by Hugo Ñopo
“The good and services which the poor consume are those whose prices have been rising the most. The most recent INEI report states that between June 2021 and May 2022, food prices in Peru rose 14 %; housing prices, 12 %; and transportation prices, 11%. These items represent 4/5 of the consumption basket of poor households in the […]
Effect of the agrarian labor regime on the remuneration of unskilled workers and workers, by Eduardo Zegarra
“The extreme flexibility of the contracts (temporary terms), as well as the very low capacity for unionization and collective bargaining of wages, mean much lower incomes for workers than those they could receive if they enjoyed the same rights as their peers in the regime. general or civil construction regime”. We share the article by […]
A system with a 150 years setback, by Hugo Ñopo
“If the rights to health and pensions go from being labor rights to human rights, their financing must expand in the same direction.” In his new weekly article for Jugo de Caigua, our Senior Researcher Hugo Ñopo writes about the paradigm shift required by the labor market in Peru.