Opinion Article
Education: well said, and done!, by Hugo Ñopo
Our senior researcher Hugo Ñopo analyzes the education topic within the presidential speech by Pedro Pablo Kuczynski: “The six state commitments with which the President closed his speech follow up for strengthen an idea. The education, as a tool to build the society we want, has a main place in these commitments. The priority is […]
Agrarian poverty and income shock in Puno: an ENAHO analysis, by Eduardo Zegarra
Our senior researcher Eduardo Zegarra analyzes data from the National Household Survey and suggests that a negative income shock (and demand) in urban areas of Puno, with adverse effects on agricultural income, explain the increase of poverty in this region between 2013-2015. Read the full article (in Spanish) here.
Lima and the water scarcity risk for private sector, by Eduardo Zegarra
“Dado el enorme peso de Lima en el PBI nacional (cerca del 50%), las cifras indican que una grave sequía afectando a Lima puede afectar directamente y en forma dramática al 25% del producto nacional, además de impactar potencialmente en más de 1 millón de empleos.” Lea el artículo de nuestro investigador Eduardo Zegarra en […]
Public expenditure on agriculture: centralism and regional inequities, by Eduardo Zegarra
“Aunque el sector agrario tiene una participación de solo 5.6% en el PBI nacional, tiene a más del 25% de la PEA ocupada y en muchas regiones el peso sectorial es de entre 20 y 30%.” Eduardo Zegarra, Investigador principal de GRADE, analiza la evolución y composición del gasto público agropecuario del gobierno saliente, a […]
Education funding in Peru. Is time for a real bet
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Debemos refundar el Sistema Privado de Pensiones, opinión de Hugo Ñopo
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Doing research in Bolivia, Paraguay and Perú
The article by GRADE’s senior researcher María Balarin states the main outputs of a comparative study of the social research environments of Bolivia, Paraguay and Perú conducted as part of the GDN’s Doing Research initiative. The study was carried out as a collaboration between GRADE in Perú, Fundación ARU in Bolivia, and CADEP in Paraguay. […]
Haciendo política educativa desde el MEF, por Hugo Ñopo
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Manuel Glave expone sobre Desarrollo Territorial Rural e identidad cultural andina
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Blog de Cueto en Global Partnership for Education: Hallazgos de Niños del Milenio en acceso y aprendizaje en cuatro países
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