It is reap what it is sow, by Hugo Ñopo
“The changing environment has led us to believe that innovation is so powerful it can revolutionize education. If only it were true.” Read the opinion editorial by Hugo Ñopo, senior researcher at GRADE, in El Comercio newspaper, on education funding challenges and its key linking with the revaluation of teachers in Peru.
Hugo Ñopo: “Technology is a great tool for education, but a significant space for critical thinking is needed”
“Technology arrived as a great promise for solving our issues in education. Now we begin to undestand is a great tool we need to set up, use and control, but there must be a significant space for critical thinking”. Hugo Ñopo, senior researcher at GRADE, together with other experts, discussed the impact of technology in education, […]
Hugo Ñopo discusses proposals on education announced by the President of Council of Ministers
“There is no education system which has been enhanced without improving its human capital, in this case, the teachers”, said our senior research Hugo Ñopo, in La Mula, regarding the change of the Magisterial Reform Act, one of the proposals for education sector announced by Fernando Zavala, President of Council of Ministers, during his speech to the Congress plenary on last Thursday […]
Manuel Glave on investment incentives and environmental regulations, in the Inter-American Dialogue’s Latin America Advisor
“It is clear that the political challenge is to find an equilibrium point between generating new investment incentives without loosening up environmental regulations that may affect Peruvians’ quality of life in the long run”, stated Manuel Glave, senior researcher at GRADE, in Latin America Advisor, daily publication of the Inter-American Dialogue.
María Balarin joined GDN webinar on funding for social science research
“In many development countries, the discourses and practices of evidence-based policy-making, as well as the discourses regarding the importance of increasing the production of publishable research do seem to be taken hold, but there is little reflection on the need to develop the capacities of the research community, on what this means and how this […]
Education: well said, and done!, by Hugo Ñopo
Our senior researcher Hugo Ñopo analyzes the education topic within the presidential speech by Pedro Pablo Kuczynski: “The six state commitments with which the President closed his speech follow up for strengthen an idea. The education, as a tool to build the society we want, has a main place in these commitments. The priority is […]
Agrarian poverty and income shock in Puno: an ENAHO analysis, by Eduardo Zegarra
Our senior researcher Eduardo Zegarra analyzes data from the National Household Survey and suggests that a negative income shock (and demand) in urban areas of Puno, with adverse effects on agricultural income, explain the increase of poverty in this region between 2013-2015. Read the full article (in Spanish) here.
Carolina Trivelli highlights the evaluation findings of Haku Wiñay, led by Javier Escobal and Carmen Ponce
Carolina Trivelli, former Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion, highlights the evaluation findings of the Haku Wiñay program, led by our researchers Javier Escobal and Carmen Ponce: “Those who received the program report significantly more income, a varied diet and consume more animal protein; show better health (less disease), use less wood, have higher financial inclusion, and more”.
Lima and the water scarcity risk for private sector, by Eduardo Zegarra
“Dado el enorme peso de Lima en el PBI nacional (cerca del 50%), las cifras indican que una grave sequía afectando a Lima puede afectar directamente y en forma dramática al 25% del producto nacional, además de impactar potencialmente en más de 1 millón de empleos.” Lea el artículo de nuestro investigador Eduardo Zegarra en […]
What should be kept in our next government? Hugo Ñopo talked to Chicharrón de Prensa
Financiamiento de la educación, desarrollo e inclusión social, salud, sistema laboral, producción, y otros temas. ¿Qué políticas deberían mantenerse en el próximo gobierno? Tertulia entre nuestro Investigador principal, Hugo Ñopo, y el programa Chicharrón de Prensa.