What is good must go on, by Hugo Ñopo
“The next step is for universities to receive the benefits of the improvements already seen in regular basic education”. Our senior researcher, Hugo Ñopo, discussed the achievements during the management of Jaime Saavedra, Minister of Education.
Beyond SNIP, by Ricardo Fort and Álvaro Espinoza
Our researchers Ricardo Fort and Álvaro Espinoza address the complexities which the National Public Investment System (SNIP) reform should be dealing: “[…] we need a public investment planing system articulating sectors and government levels, and strictly binding with the state budget system. Only in this way we will be able to make a real quality jump in public investment.”
GRADE: Peru has over 400 thousand hectares to plant oil palm
“… it have been identified potential areas for oil palm plantations, strategies for linking small scale agricultors into the production chain, and legal and institutional aspects”. Ricardo Fort, senior researcher at GRADE and editor of the book “¿Agroindustria en la Amazonía?”, shared with diario Gestión the main issues addressed in the publication, linked to the possibility of […]
First Latin America Evidence Week: On what Kenya pastoralists resemble with the ones from the Peruvian Altiplano?
On what Kenya pastoralists resemble with the ones from the Peruvian Altiplano? gathered the main conclusion from “Unusual comparative research and learning between countries: lessons from ELLA Programme” panel discussion, held by Practical Action and GRADE on October 2016. The panel, which was part of the First Latin America Evidence Week, showed the relevance of comparative research to understand global […]
Tambopata: the Peruvian nature reserve that begins to become a desert
“Evidence shows that a policy to control illegal mining based on coercion is not going to work”, said Gerardo Damonte, senior researcher at GRADE, in a BBC Mundo reportage on deforestation caused by illegal mining in Tambopata National Reserve. According to Damonte, the government need to formalize the miners, register them to know where they settle, and provide […]
‘Ninis’: the number of young Peruvians who not study nor work has increase
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More young Peruvians do not study nor work. An Instituto Integración report gathers Lorena Alcázar and Hugo Ñopo opinion
18% of young Peruvians between 15 and 29 years are Ninis, “neither work nor study,” according to a report undertook by Instituto Integración. Although it is a lower rate than other Latin America countries, Lorena Alcázar, senior researcher of GRADE, states: “The low percentage of Ninis in Peru is explained due to high rates of informality and underemployment. […]
Dialogue on politics: presentations and reportage
RESUMEN DEL SEMINARIO Revisar el pacto social-fiscal y avanzar en la formación de capital humano fueron las dos grandes tareas, con miras a la mejora de la productividad del país, expuestas al premier Fernando Zavala durante la clausura del seminario Diálogo de Políticas, organizado por GRADE. Durante dos jornadas, 26 y 27 de septiembre, el […]
Private education: regulate before not to regret later, by Hugo Ñopo
“La iniciativa privada viene fallando en el objetivo de proveer un servicio educativo superior al que provee el sistema público. […] En los distritos de mayores ingresos la oferta privada de servicios educativos supera a la pública, en los distritos emergentes sucede exactamente lo contrario. Y claro, en los distritos pobres la oferta privada no […]
Javier Escobal y Miguel Jaramillo are members of the National Board for Competitiveness and Formalization
The Ministry of Economy and Finance of Peru (MEF) appointed the members of the specialized advisory group at the National Board for Competitiveness and Formalization, according to a ministerial decree published on September 17th in El Peruano. Our senior researchers Javier Escobal and Miguel Jaramillo are two of the five experts appointed as members, together with Richard Webb, Julio Luque and Franco Giuffra.