La Mula: GRADE identifies at least 235 food markets in Lima as potential sources of COVID-19 contagion
La Mula highlighted the findings and recommendations of the identification analysis of markets and supermarkets located in the areas most vulnerable to the spread of the virus. Ricardo Fort, senior researcher at GRADE, shared his thoughts: “The idea is not only that we should try to restrict the exit of older people who live in that […]
Ricardo Fort in 24 Hours: Food markets in Lima as potential sources of COVID-19 contagion
“These are the areas where the authorities should be doing preventive measures, ensuring that the food markets are properly cleaned, that the vendors handle the products well, that there is social distancing. One could even do rapid tests for temperature or virus transmission to prevent it from spreading through those territories. ” Our senior researcher, […]
Miguel Jaramillo: “In March and April, 16% to 20% of formal employment would be lost by COVID-19”
“In March and April 16% to 20% of formal employment would be lost by COVIDー19.” According to Miguel Jaramillo, senior researcher at GRADE, this figure would correspond only to normal job rotation. The impact of the pandemic could increase the level if layoffs are considered. In addition, he believes that the horizon to recover activity […]
Gestión: 235 food markets in Lima are identified as potential sources of COVID-19 contagion
“If people become infected in these areas, the virus will start to run very fast due to the existing conditions. So what is the area with the greatest potential for contagion in that territory? The markets and supermarkets.” Gestió spoke with Ricardo Fort, senior researcher at GRADE, who explained that the research of GRADE’s Urbanization and Sustainable […]
Ricardo Fort en Ideeleradio: Zonas prioritarias para la prevención y control del contagio del COVID-19 en Lima
“Si pensamos en estas zonas, hay mucha movilidad de gente que sale a diario a tratar trabajar para conseguir ingresos, o incluso a hacer las comprar del diario, regresan a sus hogares donde hay población vulnerable, y se aumenta la posibilidad de contagio”. Ricardo Fort, investigador principal de GRADE, explicó en Ideeleradio el análisis de zonas prioritarias para la […]
Potenciales focos de contagio del COVID-19: mercados y supermercados
Los mercados de abasto y supermercados son, y seguirán siendo por un tiempo, los principales puntos de aglomeración en la ciudad. Complementando nuestro análisis de áreas de alta vulnerabilidad ante el virus en Lima, presentamos aquí la identificación georeferenciada de mercados y supermercados que atienden a esta población, así como sugerencias para mejorar la estrategia […]
Ciencia y políticas frente a la epidemia, por Miguel Jaramillo
“La lección para el mediano plazo es muy clara: necesitamos invertir en un sistema de salud con capacidad de respuesta ante epidemias”. Miguel Jaramillo, investigador principal de GRADE, evalúa las políticas del Perú para enfrentar el coronavirus, comparándolas con algunas de las medidas de países como Corea y Chile. Lee sus conclusiones en su nuevo artículo […]
Zonas prioritarias para la prevención y control del contagio del COVID-19 en Lima
El equipo del área de Urbanización y Ciudades Sostenibles de GRADE1 ha elaborado una propuesta de identificación de zonas prioritarias para la prevención y control del contagio del COVID-19 en la ciudad de Lima, utilizando data geoespacial del Censo Nacional de Población y Vivienda 2017. Nuestro objetivo es contribuir a la efectividad de las medidas del gobierno […]
Hugo Ñopo talks with the Colombian media about the economic plan to face the impact of coronavirus in Peru
“We have had 30 years of very good savings, of fiscal discipline, but also in those same years we have underinvested in people. Our investment in public health and education has been well below what our neighbors in the region invest and what that invests the developing world in general”. Hugo Ñopo, senior researcher at GRADE, […]
Eduardo Zegarra in La Mula: “If small farmers continue to be abandoned, we put the food of the cities at risk”
“If small farmers continue to be abandoned, we put the food of the cities at risk.” In the face of the coronavirus crisis, Eduardo Zegarra, senior researcher at GRADE, warns of insufficient support from the Executive to family farming, a segment that produces most of the food that we Peruvians consume. Read this interview by […]