Congressmen want to change Pronabec’s scholarship distribution system. Carmela Chávez’s opinion
“This change in profile from a technical and meritocratic representation to a guild representation, of interested parties, generates many problems for transparency and accountability.” Our Associated Researcher Carmela Chávez shares her opinion on the legislative proposal that seeks to reconform the board of directors of Pronabec, as well as to modify the system of scholarships […]
Eduardo Zegarra on Radio Nacional: “Piura’s agriculture cannot use water”.
“Right now, agriculture in Piura cannot use the water, which could lead to a rather complicated agricultural crisis. But it is not only that, but also the consumers themselves in Piura, Sullana and other cities would run out of water in the coming weeks.” Our senior researcher Eduardo Zegarra gave his opinion on the water […]
Miguel Jaramillo shares his opinion on an eventual increase of the Peruvian minimum wage. Via La República de Colombia
“The minimum wage decision is not based on technical and economic grounds, it is a political decision”. Our senior researcher Miguel Jaramillo shares his thoughts on the new proposals for an eventual increase in the Peruvian minimum wage. Read the article on the website of La República de Colombia here.
Miguel Jaramillo shares his opinion on the increase in public employment. Via Gestión.
According to Miguel Jaramillo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, the increase of employment in the public sector “would be correlated to the progress of public investment, but he warned that as a trend ‘it is fatal’ because of its implications on public finances”. Read the full article in Gestión for subscribers here.
Wilson Hernández: “The conviction to leave the criminal life is often not natural, but activated by triggers”
“The conviction to leave the criminal life is often not natural, but is usually activated by triggers. According to studies, one may be getting a stable job. Another is getting married or having children and starting to think not only for oneself, but also for others. Another is taking away leisure time from teenagers in […]
Miguel Jaramillo shares his thoughts on the increase in formal employment. Via Gestión.
According to Miguel Jaramillo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, the figures from the Central Reserve Bank “reinforce the idea that the public sector is gaining more weight in spending on salaries, which could have long-term consequences if the private sector does not retake the lead in job creation”. Read the full article in Gestión for subscribers […]
Miguel Jaramillo shares his thoughts on proposals to reestablish compulsory military service
According to Miguel Jaramillo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, bill No. 9166 would not contribute to the labor market nor is it positive for employment, because it would not fullfill its aim of providing training and development opportunities for young people who are neither studying nor working, since”evidence shows that the Army is very attractive to them”. Read the full article by El Comercio here. […]
Opinión de Miguel Jaramillo sobre empleo y subempleo para Gestión
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Entrevista a Wilson Hernández en La Encerrona sobre la evolución de la historia de la inseguridad en Trujillo
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Eduardo Zegarra opina sobre la Inseguridad Alimentaria en el Perú
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