Institutional News
Juan José Díaz, Gabriela Guerrero and Lorena Alcázar are appointed as members of our 2022-2024 Executive Commitee
The Group for the Analysis of the Development (GRADE) is pleased to announce the new members of its Executive Committee for the period 2022-2024: Juan Jose Díaz – Executive Director Gabriela Guerrero – Research Director Lorena Alcázar – Director of Institutional Projects GRADE’s Executive Committee is responsible for supervising the institutional progress for biennial periods. […]
Hugo Ñopo joins the World Bank as senior economist
We salute the recent incorporation of Hugo Ñopo to the World Bank as senior economist in the area of poverty and equity for Latin America. He will assume the position in August 2022 and will be based in Washington, United States. With this, Hugo ends his period at GRADE as Senior Researcher. From our institution we […]
Worldreader launches new website for Latin America
Visit the Worldreader website for Latin America, an edtech foundation that provides children from disadvantaged communities with access to a digital library. GRADE and World Vision Peru are partners for Crece Lee Peru, a Worldreader digital reading project that has helped more children continue to read and learn during the pandemic. Through this new channel, […]
Curso online Formación a docentes en metodologías de investigación 2022-II
Las y los interesados podrán inscribirse hasta el miércoles 13 de julio de 2022 completando el formulario de inscripción y enviando la copia del DNI y el voucher de pago al correo electrónico de la coordinación del curso. El curso online iniciará el lunes 18 de julio de 2022 y durará 8 semanas. Descarga el BROCHURE del curso aquí. El artículo […]
María Balarin and María Fernanda Rodríguez are part of an upcoming report on how education in emergencies, done properly, builds peace
Our researchers María Balarin and María Fernanda Rodríguez have been part of the preparation of a report exploring the obstacles and opportunities for education’s engagement with peace. The document will soon be launched by the Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies. The report presents a framework to help analyze and recognize the impact of historical, epistemic, […]
Curso online Fundamentos para el diseño y evaluación de programas sociales 2022
Los interesados podrán inscribirse hasta el miércoles 18 de mayo de 2022 completando el formulario de inscripción y enviando la copia del DNI y el voucher de pago al correo electrónico de la coordinación del curso. El curso online iniciará el lunes 23 de mayo de 2022 y durará 10 semanas. Descarga el BROCHURE con la información detallada del curso aquí. […]
2022 Young Lives Peru Virtual Methodological Workshop: registration is open
Registration is open for the 2022 Young Lives Peru Virtual Methodological Workshop. For two weeks, participants will learn tools and knowledge to access and analyze the databases of the longitudinal study. The workshop mixes the experience of a multidisciplinary team with the significance of nearly twenty years of fieldwork throughout Peru. KEY DATES Registration: from […]
Curso online Formación a docentes en metodologías de investigación 2022-I
Las y los interesados podrán inscribirse hasta el miércoles 19 de enero de 2022 completando el formulario de inscripción y enviando la copia del DNI y el voucher de pago al correo electrónico de la coordinación del curso. El curso online iniciará el lunes 24 de enero de 2022 y durará 8 semanas. Descarga el BROCHURE del curso aquí. La nueva regulación […]
ACIL Anti-corruption Innovation Lab
El Laboratorio de Innovación para la Lucha Anticorrupción (ACIL) es una iniciativa de GRADE y PNUD que coordina, facilita y promueve procesos de innovación en el diseño de políticas anticorrupción basadas en evidencia sobre lo que funciona para prevenir, desincentivar o penalizar la corrupción en los distintos niveles de gobierno. OBJETIVO Coordinar, facilitar y promover la generación de […]
Carmen Ponce wins the 2021 CALACS Prize for Emerging Scholars
Our Associated Researcher, Carmen Ponce, have won the 2021 CALACS Prize for Emerging Scholars for her article “Intra-seasonal climate variability and crop diversification strategies in the Peruvian Andes: A word of caution on the sustainability of adaptation to climate change”, published last year in World Development. The award was conferred on the sidelines of the Canadian Association for Latin American […]