Institutional News
Javier Escobal is appointed member of the Fiscal Council
Our senior researcher Javier Escobal has been appointed as a member of the Fiscal Council, for a four-year term. Previously, he was a member of this group between December 2015 and March 2022. According to Supreme Resolution No. 021-2024-EF, his appointment replaces economist and former Minister of Economy Carlos Oliva. The Fiscal Council is an autonomous […]
GRADE is a member of the Global Alliance for Care
It is with enthusiasm that we announce our membership in the Global Alliance for Care, the first global multi-stakeholder community that facilitates and promotes spaces for dialogue, analysis, exchange of experiences and learning about care, recognizing it as a necessity, a job and a right. “We take this opportunity to recognize and congratulate the work that GRADE […]
Earth Day: a selection of our recent free access publications
Promoting environmentally and socially sustainable management of natural resources is one of the greatest challenges facing the countries of the region and Peru in particular. On Earth Day, we share some of the published work of our researchers who have focused on analyzing, from territorial and interdisciplinary perspectives, the social, economic and political causes that […]
Foundational cognitive skills: publications from the new episode of GRADE Conversa
Cognitive skills are fundamental to human development from early childhood. Today we know that their influence extends well beyond those early years. A study by Young Lives delved into the association between these skills and educational outcomes in adolescence and young adulthood, early nutrition, and climate variations. Access the publications discussed by Santiago Cueto, Alan […]
#WorldWaterDay Eduardo Zegarra and the current challenges of water management in Peru
Although Peru ranks first in per capita water supply , the reality is different: more than three million people do not have access to drinking water. In Lima, a prolonged drought will be enough to leave our capital city completely without water for months. Our Senior Researcher Eduardo Zegarra explains the challenges of water management in our […]
#8M Día Internacional de la Mujer 2024: Publicaciones de acceso libre
En nuestra sociedad aún operan diversos mecanismos que han perpetuado inequidades sociales basadas en las diferencias de género y expresadas en las desiguales oportunidades de desarrollo que tienen hombres y mujeres en el Perú. Esta forma de desigualdad tiene raíces estructurales que no solo se manifiestan en los planos sociales y económicos, sino también en […]
Transitions to sustainability in mining territories in Colombia, Chile and Peru: project closure infographic
For two years, we sought to identify and analyze transitions for sustainable and inclusive socioeconomic and institutional transformation in territories with a large-scale mining presence in Peru, Chile and Colombia. Learn about all the stages of the project in this infographic. This project was executed by GRADE, with the support of the Ford Foundation. INTERNATIONAL […]
[Call] 2024 Methodological Workshop on the use of data from the Young Lives Longitudinal Study
El taller anual de Niños del Milenio busca brindar las herramientas necesarias para que profesionales, que estén cursando sus maestrías o doctorados, aprendan a usar, descargar y analizar los datos que recolecta el estudio. El principal objetivo es aumentar el interés en la producción de trabajos de investigación con aquellos que desean utilizar los datos de […]
Planificando Infraestructura Sostenible en el Perú: documentos de política
Estos documentos presentan los resultados más importantes de más de dos años de investigaciones y reflexiones sobre la planificación en infraestructura, cómo se aborda la sostenibilidad ambiental en la planificación en infraestructura y cómo se aborda el enfoque territorial en la planificación en infraestructura en el Perú, con el fin de contribuir al debate en […]