Institutional News
GRADE gana el Premio PODER 2016 al think tank del año y al think tank sobre políticas sociales
En una ceremonia en la librería El Virrey, llevada a cabo el 19 de octubre, el Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo fue galardonado con el Premio PODER 2016 al think tank del año y al think tank sobre políticas sociales. La cuarta edición del premio, organizado por la revista PODER y la plataforma On Think […]
Empirical studies on social policy and gender in Peru
We share the findings from two empirical studies on social policy and gender on Thursday 11, July. Both studies were carried out upon request of the Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP). The first study, “The impacts of Juntos program in empowerment indicators of rural women”, was led by Lorena Alcázar. The second study, “Evaluation of a women training program in Cañete”, was […]
Santiago Cueto is honored as distinguished PUCP graduate
Nos sumamos a las felicitaciones a Santiago Cueto, director de investigación de GRADE, quien fue reconocido como ex alumno distinguido por la Asociación de Egresados y Graduados de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (AEG-PUCP). Un extracto de su semblanza dicta: “…su vida profesional ha estado orientada a estudiar con ahínco el sistema educativo peruano, analizando […]
Dialogue on politics: presentations and reportage
RESUMEN DEL SEMINARIO Revisar el pacto social-fiscal y avanzar en la formación de capital humano fueron las dos grandes tareas, con miras a la mejora de la productividad del país, expuestas al premier Fernando Zavala durante la clausura del seminario Diálogo de Políticas, organizado por GRADE. Durante dos jornadas, 26 y 27 de septiembre, el […]
IDRC governors and GRADE researchers discussed Research, Youth & Gender
On the sidelines of the visit of International Development Research Centre (IDRC / CRDI) governors to GRADE, on August 20 was held a Research, Youth & Gender panel discussion. During the meeting, our senior researchers shared GRADE’s findings from studying these topics.
Eduardo Zegarra shared research findings on Juntos program at MIDIS-CIES Ministerial Dialogue
Our senior researcher, Eduardo Zegarra, shared the main findings of his study on the effects of Juntos on rural households’ productive decisions in Peru, on Friday, August 26th, as part of the discussion of four studies sponsored by the Consorcio de Investigación Económica y Social (CIES) with policy recommendations for the Peruvian Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion […]
Javier Escobal has been appointed as member of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru board
Through the supreme decrees 194-2016-PCM and 195-2016-PCM, the Presidency of Council of Ministers of Peru (PCM) appointed three members of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP) Board, including Javier Escobal, senior researcher at GRADE, together with Luis Palomino and Gustavo Yamada. Besides, through the supreme decree 193-2016-PCM, Julio Velarde was ratified as board chairman. The experts elected join the current board members Eduardo González and Drago Kisic […]
Javier Escobal and Hugo Ñopo are members of the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion Advisory Committee
Through Supreme Decree Nº 001-2016-MIDIS, the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (MIDIS) announced the set-up of its Advisory Committee, which purpose is advising and give recommendations on its policies, programs, strategies and plans, as well as promoting the dialogue on development and social inclusion issues between state and society. Our senior researchers Javier Escobal y Hugo Ñopo are […]
GRADE is one of the fourty Ministry of Education of Peru “Partners for Education”
The Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE), through the Strenghtening Management of the Education Sector in Peru (FORGE in Spanish) project with the financial support of the Government of Canada, is one of the fourty institutions recognized by the Ministry of Education of Peru for its work on behalf of education, in coordination with the sector. The FORGE project “aims to […]
GRADE released the book “Combinando protección social con generación de oportunidades económicas: una evaluación de los avances del programa Haku Wiñay”
El Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE) presentó los hallazgos del estudio “Combinando protección social con generación de oportunidades económicas: una evaluación de los avances del programa Haku Wiñay”, el mismo que fue financiado por la Fundación Ford. El libro, editado por Javier Escobal y Carmen Ponce, fue presentado ante un público de más […]