More than 57% of public works in vulnerable areas of Lima is not priority
The newspaper Gestión gathers the findings of our researchers Álvaro Espinoza and Ricardo Fort about the quality of public investment without territorial planning in vulnerable urban settlements of Lima. They found that around half of the public investment in highly vulnerable settlements is for public works of low priority and impact. This due to the investment that […]
Half of the investment in vulnerable neighbourhoods goes to low quality projects
El diario La República destaca los hallazgos del estudio de Álvaro Espinoza y Ricardo Fort sobre la calidad de la inversión pública urbana sin planificación territorial. Los autores identificaron que casi la mitad de la inversión destinada a la infraestructura en barrios vulnerables de Lima se destina a obras de baja prioridad, dejando de lado […]
A web of digital journalism highlighted the participation of Hugo Ñopo at the Why poverty and inequality persist in Mexico? International Forum
The Mexican web of digital journalism Sin embargo (However) highlighted the participation of Hugo Ñopo, senior researcher at GRADE, at the Why poverty and inequality persist in Mexico? International Forum, held by Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla, on March 28 and 29, 2017. Hugo was part of the panel on international experiences in the reduction of poverty and inequality. In the […]
The cost of cheap water. An IPE article highlights Eduardo Zegarra’s opinion
The Peruvian Institute of Economics (IPE) gathers, on El Comercio newspaper, the recommendations of our senior researcher, Eduardo Zegarra, to identify adequate water tariffs that guarantee its supply and efficient human consumption. According to Zegarra, “agricultural tariffs should multiply 3.5 times to cover the costs of operation and mainteance”. In the case of Sedapal, “the average tariff in […]
Santiago Cueto is part of a special report on the state of education in Peru, broadcasted by TV Peru Noticias
“Peruvian education in the last decades has seen many improvements, for example the rates of enrolment are high and still growing. In primary education are above 90% and in early and secondary education are around 80%. What remains is to enhance the quality of the educational services and to improve equity, regarding the different opportunties […]
Peruvians pay up to ten times more for drinking water
Peruvians do not perceive the complexity of the management of a water company, said Eduardo Zegarra, senior researcher at GRADE, in a Instituto Integración article on the management of drinking water service companies in Peru. “Despite its vital relevance, we pay little for it. It is a huge challenge for fares to finance all of its production”, added Zegarra.
Peru: Has the law known as ‘environmental package’ fulfilled its purposes?
What have been the impacts of the Law 30230, known as ‘environmental package’? Our senior researcher, Manuel Glave, discusses the effects of this law promulgated in 2014, whose purpose was to adjust the national environmental control to foster private investment. The article has been published in Mongabay Latam.
María Balarin discusses on the unique university model promoted by the university reform law
“The (university) law takes over a homogeneus model of university, for which all institutions are aim to do the same”. María Balarín, senior researcher at GRADE, discussed on the challenges to university reform, including setting up a unique model. In this sense, Balarín argued that, with the massification of higher education, “there are relevant processes of institutional differentiation, […]
Hugo Ñopo talked about Peru’s progress in PISA 2015: “We are the Latin America country which has improve the most “
Hugo Ñopo, senior researcher at GRADE, talked about Peru’s progress in PISA 2015: “We are the Latin American country which has improve the most in math, science and reading comprehension. Besides, between 2012 and 2015, we have grown more than we have previously grown”. The media report was released on Wednesday, December 7, in a […]
GRADE: Peru has over 400 thousand hectares to plant oil palm
“… it have been identified potential areas for oil palm plantations, strategies for linking small scale agricultors into the production chain, and legal and institutional aspects”. Ricardo Fort, senior researcher at GRADE and editor of the book “¿Agroindustria en la Amazonía?”, shared with diario Gestión the main issues addressed in the publication, linked to the possibility of […]